Mazdees Track Day -mosport Big Track- Cheap!

Ok guys, this might be your last shot at Mosport Big track for this season, ive gotten a discount for anyone that signs up through me.

Oct 27th
Mosport Big Track
9am - 5pm
Any car
Any driver
$250 pre pay before Oct 20th
$300 at the track

To sign up you can reach me at 416 473 9775


WOW…8hrs of full track time on an awesome track

drifting allowed?


mosport = high speed

8hrs of non stop lapping, for only $250! on the nicest track in Ontario.

Deal of the century.

that is cheap. very tempting. is there a limit to the number of people that can sign up with you?


ahh im so tempted but its the day before my birthday. hmm would make a good bday present.

i think im in this man , mosport !! oh yeh

Tosh, there are limited spots, i will know how many have been taken and how many are left by Tuesday.

Big Nate - what better way to celebrate a bday?? balls out down the back straight sounds like a good present to me.

Timo - I would prepay just to ensure your spot at the track, you can go through me for a discount or call Mazdees and get regular price :slight_smile:

thats a very good point. Gonna try to convince my parents to make that my present, because i sure cant afford it now.

Any additional fees? I thought I heard something about having to pay like a “membership fee” to Mosport, in addition to the cost of a track day? I’m just curious.

well i cant make it, going to mexico , and arriving back that day at 2pm so no can do !

Im having some little bugs with the S14…If i get it figiured out ill be there!!!

Once you drive mosport nothing is ever the same!!!

It would be awsome to see the s14 out, you could play with some 3 rotor rx7’s :slight_smile:

DJPyro, sorry i dont know how i overlooked your post.

There are no additional fees.

Ok heres a little update.

Pre pay deadline is now OCT 17! $250.

At the track will be $300.

There are tons of spots and we would love to have anyone who is intrested to come out (even to spectate).
There will be a couple nice race cars and some exotics aswell.

If you have any questions feel free to hit me up on msn,

If you have this deal some point next year I will be there for sure. Car is coming off the road soon.

You probably wont see Mosport at this price until this time next year. Early to mid season usually runs about $300-$350 per event… depending on the organizer.

i think i might make this, will know by tomorrow

Timo if you brought the skyline that would be sweet! Mosport should favour your car much more than Dunnville :slight_smile:

Prepay Deadline OCT 17th (This Wednesday)

yeh i know i would love to man , we will see , ill let u know tomorrow

Last chance to get Mosport this cheap.