Mosport (Driver Developement Centre)- Sunday May 6th, 2007

2 spots opened up…

I’m sure he’ll still allow for the $160 CDN price…

ugh, must check tire budget…

what type of event is this? is it driver instruction? or just a general open lapping day?

open lapping

But, there will be some of the advanced guys willing to sit shotgun and give out pointers.

nm, saw link posted

sorry, im @ work and dont have time to browse 7 pages

how much seat time and what is the iteniary for the day?

Deffinately 2.5-3 hours in the seat as scheduled. Usually these days turn out people getting tired towards the end and the hardcore people stay out on the track longer and the “schedule” falls to the wayside.

yikes 2 hours of seat time? goodbye tires and pads

wow that track looks like a hell of a good time… :tup:

I just e-mailed the guy in the original post to check on availability. If there is a spot, then I’m there :headbang:


yikes 2 hours of seat time? goodbye tires and pads


Just think about how my wallet feels after doing a 3 hour enduro…

You can always finish early or skip a session. Or you can practice taking it smooth and managing your equipment. A BMW should not be hard on the tires (a great suspenion and good weight distribution).

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:9,topic:27317"”]

Just think about how my wallet feels after doing a 3 hour enduro…

You can always finish early or skip a session. Or you can practice taking it smooth and managing your equipment. A BMW should not be hard on the tires (a great suspenion and good weight distribution).


sure sure, im gonna make sure i dont have anything else going on , ill probably see, i like that it has elevation changes unlike TMP and dunnville… my graduation present to myself is a HPDE event @ laguna seca with skip barber, although i havnt decided which one/when yet, as work has owned my ability to take a week off, so it got back burnered, but the $$ is stillin my savings account

I just spoke with Frank and I will be attending. There should be one spot left as of now. Price is still $160 CDN.

Still the one spot open…

im doing an event in june here, any idea on runoff room here?

If my car was ready, I’d go :frowning:


im doing an event in june here, any idea on runoff room here?


That course is the GP course, not the RDT.

As for runoff:

Turn one is tight with walls on either side. Turn 2 to the right has some runoff with a tire wall, but it is downhill (steep). If you go off here, chances are you will seriously damage something. The inside of turn 2 has a small strip of gravel and a wall. Turn 3 has a large gravel trap to the outside (as seen in the picture on the link you posted). Turn 4 is similar to turn 3 with space. Turn 5a-c, there is a heavy gravel trap on the outside, but the inside had a lot of vegetation last I remember. They were supposed to clear it out some more, so it could be a bit better. The rest of the track has ample runoff until you exit Turn 9 to turn 10, which is very tight with walls on both sides.
