:worship… thats prly one of the smartest political statements ive seen on shift
I agree. I am not thrilled with any of them but you gtota deal with waht you got.
You dont have to deal with what you have, we have a choice, we could move, we could not vote, we could vote for someone totally different. Its the fact that theres no pride in america, people used to stand up and do something when something was wrong in america. Now its like everyone has there own feelings on it, whatever though, nothings going to change
stand up and do what? get new candidates? nope… we can’t do shit, and we all know it, thats y no one does shit
stand up and say that we dont want these people in office, or that we do want change. You are right though, it never will happen. If you want something done these days you better have money, not strength in numbers
great attitude :thumb
Attitude?!.. no! thats the american way.
I’m very happy with my current situation. I don’t plan on going anywhere. I’m not complaining at all.
Sarah Palin’s got more experience than Borack Hussein “My best friends are domestic terorists” Obama.
Obama Bin Laden = Most Inexperienced Of All The 4 Candidates
Let’s see, Mr. “Hussein”:
- has never authored any legislation in the US senate
- has never had any executive experience
- has no foreign policy expericence whatsoever (and he’s running for the #1 spot?)
Come to think about it, the only experience Hussein actually has is in saying the word “change”.
Well senator, just leave us alone and you can “keep the change”.
So come November peeps, just remember this …
Obama, soft on terrorists.
But tough on fetuses!
Democrats = :nuts
Way too much effort put into fonts ITT.
we are talking about ALASKA here, who gives a shit about them. I don’t care if she ran that state for 30+ years. It’s practically a foreign nation.
what are you, 12? “Hussein”… are you serious? gtfo
She wasn’t picked for her experience so why is this isn’t a discussion point?
Also, she was mayor of of a town with less than half the populatoin of Niskayuna.
She is the governor of a state that has 683,000 people. Just to put that in perspective, the Capital District has 1,150,000 people.
BTW… if you say she has more executive experience than Biden, then isn’t it also true that she has more experience than McCain?
GWB/Cheney had experience and they ran the Country into the ground. I can’t even find one thing that is better in my life 8 years later. I’ve listed the negatives so there is no need to go through it again.
You should ask yourself this: If McCain/Palin/Republicans are the experienced, the way to go, the right way, etc… why the hell are they dying in the polls? And puking to an “inexperienced” black man. :lol
Sure. Plenty of dumb people but they realize that McCain/Palin is another 4+ years of GWB/Cheney.
You mean this place?
Looks like a converted credit union. See the drop box?
Yes, the references to terrorists are the typical mud slinging tactics of the GOP. They cannot talk about the topics because they are forever linked to GWB/Cheney/Rove fuck ups so let’s associate with him terrorists.
And the GOP rants begin and I stop viewing the thread…
You are smart enough to realize GOP is notorious for that? I am tired of it coming from both sides but it’s a losing battle. Demos played the pussies years ago and got pushed around. They fight back recently and it makes them look as bad.
I’d love for them to be straight with the topics and not hear bullshit from Cobalt boy about how abortions are evil and how Travis is all for no gun control. :lol
I’m not tied to any particular party, but I can’t sit here and let that “balt” owner get away with something so stupid. It’s my duty as forum asshole.
Good point.
I glazed right over SuperfastCobalt guy’s post. 1/4 of the way through I could tell it was in the Top 3 Most Ignorant Posts of this thread.
There’s too much blaming the GOP for EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING is not GWB’s fault. Relentlessly ripping apart the GOP as evil greedy America haters is absurd. It also makes it seem like the Dem’s have little halos above their heads which couldn’t be further from the truth. The Democrats and Republicans arent the Bloods and the Crips either; the merely represent opposing viewpoints. When Washington screws up, people blame whatever party the President is (which has been R all but twice in the last 40 years or something) when, in our system of government, it takes at least 2 branches to tango. One of those branches is run by the evil dictator GWB and his henchmen, the other is majority controlled right now by the delightful Democrat Messiahs.
I hope no one believes that “once Barack is elected the world will be all beer and Skittles.” But people will continue to blame GWB long after he’s dead for everyone’s troubles. If Barack makes it worse, they’ll blame GWB. If McCain makes it worse, it’ll be because he’s “just another GWB” (which is a gross over-simplification but I dont have the finger stamina type out that part).
I am open to all positions but the discussion of abortion, IMHO, isn’t even close to a priority given the current status of the country.
Correct. People associate the leader with their group and the good/bad of American with both. It would be the same way if it was Clinton in office.
But, you are right. GWB isn’t 100% to blame but he damn well deserves some of it as well as Cheney (who should be outed and K. Rove).
Looks like you’re screwed.
You are still my favorite tho. :tong
Not me. I dont mind people addressing GWB’s mistakes or faults DIRECTLY but blanket statements blaming HIM personally for the price of gas, social security, taxes, migraine headaches, whatever, bring out the :headbang emoticon. Unfortunately, that’s all most people know or can do because they get their political updates from watching the Daily Show once a week and they feel educated for it (not you Shawn).
GWB will be the scapegoat for years by the same principal that Bill Clinton looked like a freaking saint for his “economic growth” which just so happen to coincide with explosive growth of the internet and global commerce. Way to go, Bill, you’re a visionary.
Did you seriously just waste everyone’s time posting that? :headbang