McD's...not good for s13's apparently

So I’ve decided to not be lazy and finally post up a really strange issue with my s13 at a certain McD’s in Waterloo (King/Columbia). This is what happened:

-First Night (~3am)
Drive thru line wrapped all the way around the place. Once I had finished ordering I noticed the temp at a super high reading (almost at the dot before the H on the temp gauge). I’m used to only seeing it cold, rising in between op temp, and at op temp…so this was really strange/freaking me out. Also, I was idling at about 1100 as opposed to my usual 750-800. When I gave it some gas, the revs took longer to jump back down to idle as well and made this weird whirring sort of sound. This all happened in the drive thru near the windows.

After getting the food, I pull over in the lot and pop the hood, all fluid levels are fine, and after awhile my buddy tells me the temp gauge dropped back down to op temp. So I close the hood and go back in to eat and then notice the thing start to climb again! So I just shut off the car for a couple of minutes…then start it back up and everything’s fine from there on out…no more issues that night.

-Second Night (few days later around the same time…yes this was during final exams)
Drive thru line average. By the time I get to the window temperature is high once again. Same symptoms (high idle, whirring noise on decel, slow rev drop). So I parked again after getting the food and by the time I was about to cut the ignition, the temp is back at normal range…so I leave it on to see what happens and everything’s fine again…weird.

-Third Night (~4am, no line)
Drive thru takes <1 min until I get to the window where they tell me they’re waiting on fries. So as I’m waiting I stare at the gauge and by the time I get everything idle is at 950, temp gauge is on the rise, so this definitely isn’t a one time thing anymore…definitely only happening at this McDs!! I pull over and eat really slowly while idling to see what happens. Everything drops back to normal and idle even goes to 750ish. Idled for about 20 min in total just to see what would happen…nothing happened at all.

I’m going crazy! What is happening to my s13 at this McD’s! Am I overlooking something really obvious here because I’m too paranoid about my car? Just wanted to see if anyone else has had any similar experiences.



Your car is tryng to tell you not to eat crappy foods. Maybe you should listen, go to subway. Eat fresh, keep car cool.

You are idling for a long time behind other cars and its restricting your air flow. The fan is probably malfunctioning somehow. Or the drive through line is on an incline and you have air in your system that is being trapped up at the water temp sensor and making the car think its overheating.

Only things I can think of… might be a stretch though.

it’s a common problem.

basically Mcdonalds has this electro-radioactive pulse that it emits from a secret chamber underneath the restaurant. Sorta like how some restaurants pump out the smell of thier food, Mcdonalds does this with a reverberating signal that stimulates your stomach.

There are a variety of side effects and you have just acknowledged one of them. This signal interferes with the ECU in your S13… it actually only affects S13’s and no other car on earth. It has to do with how awesome S13’s are that they actually take on many human characteristics on account of being so awesome because nothing else is as awesome as an S13 except for humans.

basically, your ECU gets reminded about how awesome it is and wants to start chillin and shit, getting down with the lady friends yo, and this kind of thing. Then it realises real quickly that it’s just a car… and the temp goes up out of frustration.

side effects are drowsiness (sleepy eye conversion), dizziness (driving sideways then back sideways the other way), urinary tract infection (what S13 doesnt leak random shit all the time), fever (cause it’s so awsomehot), runny nose (wtf?) and anal leakage (running rich and blackening up your bumper)

There are ways to solve it though.

when you come up to the window where the signal strength is the strongest you can rev it up on your own and just before the car would have gone all faggoty you do a sick burn out in the drivethrough… after you get your food though… otherwise you wont be able to see the drive-thru bitch because of all the smoke and awesomeness smelling awesometown sick-wickedness.

i second that. if it doesnt happen anywhere else and only at mcd’s ur car is trying to tell you something…cars have feelings you know:rolleyes:

bing i thought only certain people knew that. i am defiantly sticking to subway. i don’t want my S13 to get angry. its not just a car… as for the engine problem. i would think its a fan if u got a “whirring” sound. if ur car sits to long after being run, maybe its the route u take. cause the engine needs to cool down and if all is around it is exaust fumes and Mcdonalds fries smell and ur fan doesn’t work then more then likely the temp will rise. do u do a high rate of speed to get to Mcdonalds? or did u on those occasions?. thats my theory cause it happens to my friend jennies S10 with a 350 all the time. her fan don’t work

I would…but at 3 or 4 in the morning you really only have McD’s in Waterloo…that or instant noodles or more red rave to keep you going. Don’t worry I’m taking my week off to get healthy again…

Thanks for the advice. I thought it could’ve been the idling behind other cars issue but that possibility ended on the third night where the drive thru was clear and I was waiting for the fries and the same problem happened again. Definitely think it’s fan related now…

Yeah! That’s exactly what I was thinking of too actually. I thought there was some sort of frequency being admitted from their drive-thru and that it was actually interfering with a frequency of some rotating component in the engine. omfg this whole time i thought my car was going to die when in fact, i’ve been receiving free ecu tuneups…siiick. maybe instead of doing a burnout by the window the sensor pad underneath actually opens up and transforms into a dyno and basically they can map everything out by varying that emitted electro-radioactive pulse. i’ll have to talk to the manager next time…

It’s definitely not fume related in any way. Gunning it to McD’s…I usually go a bit above the limit so 70-80ish? Wouldn’t really consider that too high of a speed. But my fan does in fact work but I’ll have to look into it or just wait to see if this happens elsewhere or another time. Thanks anyway.

Mcdonal will kill you =_=
go watch super size me

instead of doing a burnout by the window the sensor pad underneath actually opens up and transforms into a dyno and basically they can map everything out by varying that emitted electro-radioactive pulse. i’ll have to talk to the manager next time…

i laughed out loud on that one

So I’ve decided to not be lazy and finally post up a really strange issue with my s13 at a certain McD’s in Waterloo (King/Columbia). This is what happened:

-First Night (~3am)
Drive thru line wrapped all the way around the place. Once I had finished ordering I noticed the temp at a super high reading (almost at the dot before the H on the temp gauge). I’m used to only seeing it cold, rising in between op temp, and at op temp…so this was really strange/freaking me out. Also, I was idling at about 1100 as opposed to my usual 750-800. When I gave it some gas, the revs took longer to jump back down to idle as well and made this weird whirring sort of sound. This all happened in the drive thru near the windows.

After getting the food, I pull over in the lot and pop the hood, all fluid levels are fine, and after awhile my buddy tells me the temp gauge dropped back down to op temp. So I close the hood and go back in to eat and then notice the thing start to climb again! So I just shut off the car for a couple of minutes…then start it back up and everything’s fine from there on out…no more issues that night.

-Second Night (few days later around the same time…yes this was during final exams)
Drive thru line average. By the time I get to the window temperature is high once again. Same symptoms (high idle, whirring noise on decel, slow rev drop). So I parked again after getting the food and by the time I was about to cut the ignition, the temp is back at normal range…so I leave it on to see what happens and everything’s fine again…weird.

-Third Night (~4am, no line)
Drive thru takes <1 min until I get to the window where they tell me they’re waiting on fries. So as I’m waiting I stare at the gauge and by the time I get everything idle is at 950, temp gauge is on the rise, so this definitely isn’t a one time thing anymore…definitely only happening at this McDs!! I pull over and eat really slowly while idling to see what happens. Everything drops back to normal and idle even goes to 750ish. Idled for about 20 min in total just to see what would happen…nothing happened at all.

I’m going crazy! What is happening to my s13 at this McD’s! Am I overlooking something really obvious here because I’m too paranoid about my car? Just wanted to see if anyone else has had any similar experiences.



Your car is tryng to tell you not to eat crappy foods. Maybe you should listen, go to subway. Eat fresh, keep car cool.

You are idling for a long time behind other cars and its restricting your air flow. The fan is probably malfunctioning somehow. Or the drive through line is on an incline and you have air in your system that is being trapped up at the water temp sensor and making the car think its overheating.

Only things I can think of… might be a stretch though.

it’s a common problem.

basically Mcdonalds has this electro-radioactive pulse that it emits from a secret chamber underneath the restaurant. Sorta like how some restaurants pump out the smell of thier food, Mcdonalds does this with a reverberating signal that stimulates your stomach.

There are a variety of side effects and you have just acknowledged one of them. This signal interferes with the ECU in your S13… it actually only affects S13’s and no other car on earth. It has to do with how awesome S13’s are that they actually take on many human characteristics on account of being so awesome because nothing else is as awesome as an S13 except for humans.

basically, your ECU gets reminded about how awesome it is and wants to start chillin and shit, getting down with the lady friends yo, and this kind of thing. Then it realises real quickly that it’s just a car… and the temp goes up out of frustration.

side effects are drowsiness (sleepy eye conversion), dizziness (driving sideways then back sideways the other way), urinary tract infection (what S13 doesnt leak random shit all the time), fever (cause it’s so awsomehot), runny nose (wtf?) and anal leakage (running rich and blackening up your bumper)

There are ways to solve it though.

when you come up to the window where the signal strength is the strongest you can rev it up on your own and just before the car would have gone all faggoty you do a sick burn out in the drivethrough… after you get your food though… otherwise you wont be able to see the drive-thru bitch because of all the smoke and awesomeness smelling awesometown sick-wickedness.

i second that. if it doesnt happen anywhere else and only at mcd’s ur car is trying to tell you something…cars have feelings you know:rolleyes:

bing i thought only certain people knew that. i am defiantly sticking to subway. i don’t want my S13 to get angry. its not just a car… as for the engine problem. i would think its a fan if u got a “whirring” sound. if ur car sits to long after being run, maybe its the route u take. cause the engine needs to cool down and if all is around it is exaust fumes and Mcdonalds fries smell and ur fan doesn’t work then more then likely the temp will rise. do u do a high rate of speed to get to Mcdonalds? or did u on those occasions?. thats my theory cause it happens to my friend jennies S10 with a 350 all the time. her fan don’t work

I would…but at 3 or 4 in the morning you really only have McD’s in Waterloo…that or instant noodles or more red rave to keep you going. Don’t worry I’m taking my week off to get healthy again…

Thanks for the advice. I thought it could’ve been the idling behind other cars issue but that possibility ended on the third night where the drive thru was clear and I was waiting for the fries and the same problem happened again. Definitely think it’s fan related now…

Yeah! That’s exactly what I was thinking of too actually. I thought there was some sort of frequency being admitted from their drive-thru and that it was actually interfering with a frequency of some rotating component in the engine. omfg this whole time i thought my car was going to die when in fact, i’ve been receiving free ecu tuneups…siiick. maybe instead of doing a burnout by the window the sensor pad underneath actually opens up and transforms into a dyno and basically they can map everything out by varying that emitted electro-radioactive pulse. i’ll have to talk to the manager next time…

It’s definitely not fume related in any way. Gunning it to McD’s…I usually go a bit above the limit so 70-80ish? Wouldn’t really consider that too high of a speed. But my fan does in fact work but I’ll have to look into it or just wait to see if this happens elsewhere or another time. Thanks anyway.

Mcdonal will kill you =_=
go watch super size me

instead of doing a burnout by the window the sensor pad underneath actually opens up and transforms into a dyno and basically they can map everything out by varying that emitted electro-radioactive pulse. i’ll have to talk to the manager next time…

i laughed out loud on that one

stop being lazy and park the car and walk inside to pick your food up…there…problem solved!

i normally do but drive-thru only after 11 and that’s really the only place open to grab food at like 3 or 4 in the morning during exam week and such.