mcflurry and his x

discuss ;D

HAHAHAAH at the 3rd choice

come on guys help the guy out

X’s are x’s for a reason

cause everyone needs a whore too…

thanx guys something i really needed to read at this point and time

yes ya did avoid that pussy find a new woman…shit ill give ya mine

idk what the fuck im doin im confuzed pissed and like wtf did i do 2 deserve this shit all at the same time

dude its a female get used to it

i am but i didnt do shit i do whatever she wants and i go and get her evry week she lives at my house in the summer she lived here for like 4 months last yr its retared. plus i just bought her a $500 ring and had a dog i was gonna get her b4 all this shit happened

like i said she has a cunt get used to it …does it suck oh hell yeah but she,s young and so are you go fishin many more out there

yea i understand what ur sayin it just blows hardcore ass but there aint much i can do nemore about just need to work on shit

this weekend im gonna go look at bikes i dont give a shit anymore

relax dude go jerk off it works trust me ;D

c ain’t
u understand
n ormolu
t honking

there all satin inside just covered in a Delicious outside…

ive jerked off so many times this week i lost count after like 15

hank stop beatin the keyboard

so your just warmin up

I’m not even going to try with you Hank :rofl

fahking spell check… :idiots

i pushed ignore and it changed it anyways. dam it.