McKinney Mounts

what ever floats your boat bro.

You know you’re one of my top bros, bro, because you got my back. And I got yours. You’re my bro. But you went above and beyond the other night, bromaldehyde. You really did. Saving me that seat at the Velvet Revolver show, even though all those other bros were trying to get up front, bro? So clutch.

You are truly a god among bros.

Just when I think you’re as solid as a bro can get, you raise the very definition of brodom to new heights. You’re like a brogle, soaring to the farthest reaches of the atbrosphere. Seriously. If it weren’t for you and your extreme brobility to hook a bro up when it is most croosh, I’d have been stuck in some *****-ass seat, cramped all in the corner with a bunch of *****-asses, bro. But you stepped up. You brovercame all obstacles to help a bro out. This is the kind of **** that makes bros for life.

Brody, I was so stoked when you told Gina to go eat a fat one after she asked if she could have your other ticket, even though you knew you could probably get a pretty deese HJ from her. Bros before hos, bro. That’s what I’m talking about.

You are the king of all bros. Brotankhamen. You are the Ayatollah Bromeini. You are Broseidon, lord of the brocean.

But this is just one of many times you’ve fallen on a grenade for me, brozo. Who took the blame when I broke Skeeter’s bong and ****ing Skeeter was all ****ing pissed? You, bro. Who was the first to bro up and carry that ****ing keg of Killian’s up four flights of stairs for Duke’s surprise party? You, bro. Who was the only Bromo sapien on the planet to tell me he thought the brand-new rims on my F-350 were the **** even though everyone else was all, like, ****ing not that excited about them? Bro, you know it was you. You’re my broheim supremo, bro, and don’t you ever forget it.

I’m so ****ing glad we’re bros, bro!

I’ve long admired your absolute broficiency in all things bro-related, and the way you’ve always carried yourself in a brofessional manner. I consider you a brole model. When I was new in this town, you took me under your wing and showed me the bropes. And I will always preesh that. Not only did you school me in proper brotocol, but you were a spiritual leader, a confidant, and, more importantly, a bro. You taught me how to be true to my inner bro and to bros around me. You are a real bro. Not a fake bro, like those other douches. I hate fake bros, bro. Faux breaux. **** that. No, really, bro…you’re practically a bro-ther to me.

Look at you, blasting in like Rambro and firing off your launcher like nobrody’s business, bro. Serious Brotosaurus Rex action. Brodius Maximus. I’m not big on labels, but you, more than any of the wiggers, bitches, goth chicks, dorks, homos, or Mexicans I know, are absolutely beyond rebroach.

In fact, your brotitude is so brossential that, in many ways, you are the ultimate brototype: You sprung out of the brotean ooze at the very broment of creation, unformed, unmolded, and became the ultimate bro, more powerful than any who came brofore. I don’t fear your power, bro, but I respect it. And I will always brobey it.

Brosemite Sam. Potassium Bromide. Brobi Wan Kenobi. Brover Norquist.

Like Broseph Stalin, you are leading the way to the dictatorship of the broletariate. It is truly revbrolutionary. Like the Bro v. Wade of our generation. You brobliterate the enemy from the very peak of Mt. Brolympus. That’s some ****. That’s brolific. But that’s the kind of bro you are.

Bro-S.A.! Bro-S.A.! I’m so pumped right now! Bro-S.A.!

You are the epitome of bro, in every brossible way, and that’s the Bro’s honest truth, bro. I may have a bropensity for broverstatement, but this no mere hyperbrole: You are 100 brocent, absbrolutely the broest. Brotally.

I wish I had the words to describe what a good friend you are, dude.

lol bro u have lots of time… mark dont u work?

I hope you got the RB20 McKinney mounts…
here’s a couple of pics off zilvia

Yeah Bog I did :). Thanks for the pictures, but I saw them already, and I’m looking more for completed pictures.

That shit sits loooooooooow. Fuck that.

Then again, to each their own.

i was going to say the tranny mount lol

Yeah, sits nice and low in the bay. Glad I won’t have to cut any supports in the hood. :slight_smile:

why are people afraid of no power steering? its not that bad and i love the feel of it.


same man, i hate driving ps now


you need a hobby bro dude guy

heres some pics of the mounts if ur interested still…
these are pic mckinney sent me to show how to mount to crossmember
ps. i heard the rubber bushings or w/e u call them wear after a while and was told to use hockey pucks…
i had no problem at all with these mounts, everything clears, miminal clearance but it still clears. and the shifter is centered

How tight was the tranny on the 25 with and without the conversion mounts?

im not sure wat or who ur asking but if ur asking me, i never tried install the motor without the mounts, but with the mounts its still a tight fit, the outside of the tranny tunnel had to be banged in a bit where the starter is on the rb25. and u cant get at the tranny bolts when its installed, there isnt alot of room between the motor and firewall too.

Hey man, so you did end up using pucks? DAMN that looks like a perfect fit! Thanks dude!

i havent got this running yet and the car isnt really drivable yet either… thats just for the test fit but i think i might change the rubber on it when it i put it in after i rebuild the motor. it fits pretty good and was impressed with the mounts not too much clearance for the sway bar and especially the turbo elbow but it still clears so shouldnt be a problem… and the tranny mount fit right up with the stock holes. the only complaint i have with mckinney so far is the price for these things, after shipping and customs the price was ridiculous.

Yeah. I agree, I payed $380 CAD for mine shipped… I hope they declared it as a gift or I’m screwed. How long after shipping did the mounts take to get to you?

howd u get them so cheap?? i paid 550 w/o tax or shipping or customs lol and i got dinged with 130 C.O.D … and i do remember that it took longer than expected to recieve them.

I bought the basic RB20 kit, and shipping was $35.

ook the rb25 ones are a little more expensive