McLaren GP hates BMW fags and other fun topics.

Yes. Thredtertainment for the day.

I thrive on this shit.

My car has a slightly different story. E46 wont get around this one… of course until 120+


You should sell your civic to buy some hookers… you need to get laid pal

start your own thread if you wanna be a dickhead… your car has a fucking rainbow across the front and my car is gay? you my friend are a typical ricer.

So I have to daily drive my car in order to enjoy it… yeah, that makes tons of sense :nuts. I guarantee I get far more enjoyment out it NOT daily driving it than if I did. Daily driving a modded car is STUPID… yes, my car is not stock, bud.

so with your logic, it’s better to own a 1k POS tauras that actually get driven than it is to own a 250k lambo that sits in the garage most of the time. :haha :haha

This is gonna be the new Arod vs. Stallmer. Where’s that popcorn smiley!?

How can you enjoy a car you don’t drive? I love my car. I love to drive it. What’s the fun in having a car that’s so modded or so nice and so expensive you never drive it? :sad

Cars were made to be driven!!!

Pictures of your car NOW.

get your bmw ass out of this thread, you wanna see my car, pull the fuck up to its ugly ass and loose to it.

so you are saying it’s it better to own the 1k POS taurus that gets daily driven instead of the 250K lambo that maybe gets 3K miles a year?

my car is far from “so modded or so nice or so expensive” to drive. I work in downtown albany, I drive through arbor hill everyday, and I park in a parking garage… all things don’t mix well with my car.

I might’ve seen it already, is this your sex rocket?

I’d be more than happy to “loose” to your Pontiac. Care to bring it to a man-track? :naughty

at least the lambo gets 3k per year, and I would have more fun in the taurus :nana

No… That looks like mine

Then yes, I am.

I don’t want a Lambo that I never drive. Where’s the fun in that?
I would rather take that Taurus and jump it off snow banks because who cares? That’s more fun.

ya know what , have some respect for your own fucking forum, you dont start posting SHIT on a technical thread… you have the whole forum to do that shit…

Someone split this crap then. I’m having fun. This is some ol’ fashioned good natured ribbing.

That has nothing to do with any of this, and that’s not a stock Evo MR :umm

I get 10x the enjoyment of driving either of my cars if I don’t drive them everyday. To be honest, I get bored with driving my Trans Am everyday the past few days. Cars were made to be driven, yes, but the enjoyment you get when driving a car after not driving it for any period of time (more than a few days or so) is much greater than going out every morning and getting in your car and driving it all day, everyday.

DRAG RACING ONLY!!!@&!%&#!(%&(!#&%(!&#(%&!#%*

I am not getting the boyfriend/girlfriend logic here.

This thread hasnt been technical for 2 pages.

Taint mah forum, I just moonlight here to laugh at threads like this. HAAII!!

3k miles in a lambo would be WAY funner than 30k in a taurus. Just like comparing the evo ( the lambo ) to some VW or a dumbestic ;D

I don’t have enough money to look at a Lambo as a car I can afford to buy and not drive. Anything I buy is getting driven, and it’s getting driven often. But I like that. I buy my cars because I love them, and I don’t get sick of being in them all day every day.

I have come to find there is next to nobody here that wants to be technical. They all want to bash based on opinions. If you want real answers to your questions you will have to go elsewhere as there is no interest at all in your platform here… Welcome to the club.