McLaren GP hates BMW fags and other fun topics.

Bingo. You did it a few times in this very thread! :lol World keeps spinnin’.

i fucking hate it when people think they’re better and shit… fuck that fuck you.

please watch the F bomb dude :angry2

yea someone delete this thread, shit is useless. Before anyone else talks shit to me, reread this topic, i didnt swear, talk shit or drop any F bombs before some BMW deushbags get in my face. Not my fault… sorry for the F bombs.

Damn those europunks.

Your grand prix, is garbage, does that make me better than you? Maybe. But probably not, what does make me better than you is my size, I’m built like a swedish tank.

Meaning I’m chocolate on the outside and hollow in the middle.

Race meee please

i have the racing itch. :ninja

Beane for president 2012!

Mike’s Dad approves of this thread! And so do I.


Also, what makes me better than you is my post count and user title, Shift God.

You see that? That means I’m better than you.

Also I drive a BMW.

Better than you.

:lmao :crackup :lol

Um i dont like BMWs, your a fat ass, you dont get laid, you smoke moldy weed and tell everyone about it to get attention, you’re shift god cause you gossip to jclark all night/everynight while looking at filthy internet porn, your car is slow and has rainbows on it… enuff said…

:rofl I am madly in <3 w/ this thread.

You are grossly misinformed and a loser who drives a pontiac piece of shit.

I don’t like pontiacs with inbred retards behind the wheel.

nuff said? Nope, your turn…ready go.

Im not imbred… no comment on the rest of the statement

All of that negative and he is still better. You must REALLY suck taint.

I didn’t say all pontiacs had inbred retards, I just don’t like the ones WITH inbred retards.

Do you not like BMW’s because they’re built better than your Pontiac? Cuz that’s the same reason I hate BMW’s too.

Who stickied it? :rofl
