Mclaren v murdogg v smoking v THE WORLD (split)

so your some jock hot head who jumped behind the wheel. You dont build your own shit. your just a trendy follower, a PRIME example of what real hot rodding has become. fucking disgusting. i turn bolts asshole. I like that just as much as driving and guess what… thats what its about… i am a real car guy, unlike a lot of people on forums/ the lot whatever. take your trophies and shove them up your ASS.

its about bang per dollar… buying a giant hunk of shit from a dealer for 20 grand and paying thousands to some place to work on it … sorry… not cool. thanks again.

Lol a real car guy? With a shit car.

I bought the short block complete, like most people do. I am not skilled enough to install the motor or degree a cam myself and i openly admit that. Nothing wrong with that. I havent learned that yet. I did my rear end and axle swap myself. I did the manifold and fuel system myself. Exhaust myself. Valve body myself. When you Think you know how to build stuff and you really dont, you end up with a prize like yours.

And dude, again, you cant call anyones car a piece of shit driving a 97 grand prix man seriously. My car was over $40,000 new and is far from junk.

Ill enjoy my leather comfortable seats, dual climate control, navagation/dvd, lovely boston acoustics and still run 11’s NA. When youll never see 11’s.

so you’re still “learning” how to build a car. Im fucking OG compared to you. I have more wrench time that you will ever have and your schooling me on drag racing like your fucking car scene god?? you’ve never taken out a fucking engine?? comon dude ive swapped like 200 motors ive BUILT back yard “muscle” cars that would give your $40,000 pile a run for its money. Again you are the opitomy of what real hot rodding has become. retarded

Whoa dude! You swapped a motor?! 200?!

Wow man, pat yourself on the back. Im sorry i wasnt born with a wrench in my hand. Youll never beat my car. I dont care if you have 25 psi. It wont happen. Youd think with all your motor building skillz and knowledge and backyard muscle building you wouldnt have such a junk piece of shit joke of a car and would know better. Im more than comfortable with admitting im not an engine builder nor a master mechanic but, i can get by and do what i need to do for sure. If not, i have a friend close by i can go to when im out of my league. Im more than willing to bet 100% of people on here will see nothing wrong with that and all. When my last motor was built and installed, i was there for the 2 days watching and learning. When my new one goes in this year, ill be doing the same.

No , this means you are admitting you “really” dont know what you are doing or know how to build stuff. Thats why you pay to have things done. Its not about me dude. I konw what the fuck im doing. you on the other hand dont.

Yeah, i paid to have my heads ported and short block put together. I dont have the facilities or machines to do so. That hard to believe?

There you go again dude. its not about everyone else, its about you being nothing but a TREND. there are people who are into it for more than that. I am true original OG i dont give a shit. BTW my cars a 89

I am into it because i like the idea of making the car perform better part by part little by little. Ive always been into cars, ive only in the past 2 years have started to mod and race them. Im not a trend. Youre making no sense. Youre a nothing, youre not an OG. You cant say youre an engine builder because you use carb cleaner to clean your calipers. No trend here bud.

oh and also, i could actually give a shit about beating either of you. with all that money… id fucking hope you woldnt lose to a 89 grand prix. i didnt have 50 grand to build a car. if i did… i can assure you id have 5 cars that would smoke your plastic charger. maybe they’d all be flat black spray paint too who knows.

I dont care why you’re “into cars” . really dont give a shit at all. i know what to make of guys like you who make up 90% of the car scene. bang per dollar i have you beat X20.

And so let me get this straight…according to your logic…

Boost creep must be a trend too because hes flying a tuner in to tune his car.
Cossey, is a trend too because he dropped his M3 off at bimmer works to get track preped.
Slowgto is a tend because hes having someone build his busa motor.
Pete is the same trend be cause he had the shop tune his evo.

Need i continue with your amazing logic?

You have nothing beat.

I coulda bought a kenne belle 2.8 and went low 10’s for 5500$ youll never hit 11’s with any amount of dollar.

jesus why do you always turn to others for approval? You are a drone. you are nothing. You are some hot head kid who wants to go fast and… thats about sums you up.

Dude, youre an idiot. I made an example of exactly what you made me out to be using what others are doing EXACTLY the same thing. But, according to you its somehow totally different when it comes to my case.

Again, youre making yourself look extremely bad and should quit while youre for once, ahead.

dude you’re the fucking “trouble maker” who came in here “wanting a piece”, what did you expect? You are telling an unknown car guy what its about and u havnt been in the scene that long, aparently you’ve never taken a motor out. You look like an idiot in my view, but all the trendy douschbags will jump in and cover your trendy ass anyway so dont worry about it.

Im using your own logic and points of what youre saying against you. So because ive neve taken a motor out i know nothing? Bro you couldnt hold a fucking finger to my car and know what you were doing. I doubt you even know how many spark plugs my car has, let alone anyway how to build one. Shit isnt some cookie cutter set up.

I couldnt work on a fucking dodge charger? wow you are dumb. ive worked on fucking ferraris and all sorts of cars … a fucking chrysler??? yea u need to be a fucking scientist to work on that.

Id love to hear the list of cars youve worked on, built, own ETC.

Do tell, Ferarri tech.

Youd destroy my motor even thinking about working on it.