MclarenGP your shits WEAK

:number1 bout time ya realize

throw a set of heads and an intake and he won’t need one:excited

i think its time to upgrade my air pump on my car, car feels slow lately

gears alone (4.10’s or 4.30’s) in my setup now would get me trapping around 120.

Woulda shoulda coulda.

get the clutch fixed yet?

4mph increase from gears?!?!?

or Can*** and Will***

with my cam yeah. Thats on average what they see. My car doesnt make any real power until 4200+ rpms. Gears will make my power range much broader. Come into power easier and earlier and wont fall out during shifts.

Paul gained 4MPH from the gears…


o00o0o hahahaha ghgfijgretgnujrthjsdjkftdg youre gay

Wow your powerband sucks! :tongue They will help out alot though

yah and he only went to 3.42’s. If he went to 4.10’s he prolly would have gained 6mph.

prolly not as he would of hit o/d and that would of killed it

Im gonna gain 3-5mph DROPPING gear :lol

:rofl no, he would not have gained 6mph

its a big cam. My power doesnt even peak until 5800rpms, but it holds power until 7k where it still pulling hard.

cameo needs 4.10’s.

he’d prolly trap 108-109.

:wow…:rofl No way in hell. Sorry lol.