so how many tests exactly is it for mcse? ive never configured DNS or AD or any of that shit. which is why i got these vids from my uncle. i personally could care less about the certs. i just wanna learn the stuff
I wish I went for cisco.
A+ doesnt carry anything lol.
Im a little out of the loop,what is the best thing to go for that has the most job market potential?
The problem with Cisco certs is you won’t find a lot of jobs in buffalo just doing cisco shit…other places if you have CCNA/CCNP you can get jobs just playing with cisco routers all day.
A+ is worthless but everyone knows that…
I get a raise for the certs…and if I learn something at the same time even better.
As for my DVD’s, etc. I think I may have left em boxed up at home as I couldn’t find them last night. I will check again tonight and see whats up.
If you have any questions with AD and DNS I can help you, I have a couple books that are pretty good.
Yea, I could really care less about certs, especially the “+” certs lol. Half of the shit on those are beyond outdated it is not even going to help you.
If my work wanted to pay for them I’d def do it though.
On a semi related note, I often run into this guy with a rx8 with the license plate MSCETECH on the way to work, and I can’t help but think of how lame it is
They finally revamped the A+ this year…work bought the book and we looked at it. Finally they got rid of most of the stupid shit about knowing DMA’s and IRQ’s
N+ is only good as an elective for the MCSA exam, other than that it’s worthless
I don’t have any questions yet…I just need to take in as much as possible for the MCSE.
Most of my server work is unix related.
Just trying to find general videos
I got this whole set of videos for MCSE but the dude tries to be funny and it ends up getting on your nerves real quick. Reading is sadly still the only way to learn. You can use some of the cliff note study guides from here which are decent.
Not necessarily…
A lot of the people hiring these days know how much of a joke MCSE is… cause they either are certified, or failed and know they are 10x more capable than some of the people who did pass…
If you are a consultant, you need one to be taken seriously.
If you are employed and people know you for who you are, you can make it far. I’m fortunate enough to have skills you can’t get from a book, and can’t be shown with a certificate.
How else would I spread the word?
This is true, but when it comes to having limited experience an MCSE is a huge accomplishment. Sure its just a test, but its a hard test none the less. It shows you are at least motivated (or just a good test taker) since its alot of studying and 7 different tests is not something you can pass in 2 weeks.
But I do agree real world experience always ALWAYS > degrees or certs. in the computer biz.
My good friend Zak is raking 200k+ now with his hosting business down in Va and he didn’t do anything schooling wise past high school.
So I definately agree skills in IT fields is definitely worth more.