MCSE videos?

Anyone have any? I have CCNA/CCNP videos…can’t find any torrents for microsoft stuff.

PM Me, I have numerous dvd’s and books.

i have lots as well. i have a course done by a company called train signal

So does anyone actually have their mcse lol

That shit is a waste of the paper they print your certificate on to be honest.

Yea? except I get a $3000 raise for doing that microsoft cert path…and another $2000 for a CCNP cert.

^^ I wouldn’t expect anybody on here to.

Anybody with their MCSE usually is pulling in some good money.

I think statistically speaking it said 1% anybody IT related in the US have their MSCE’s
I’ve been trying to get mine for close to 6 months, no tests taken yet… soon. But studying is such a bitch.

I actually only know 2 people who have successfully gotten theirs.

Except the amount of $$ you can rake in with your MCSE is insane.

Your supposed to make good money having just a CCNA…I am close to getting that also…

I was a big fan of real world experience but if my job wants to pay for tests and give me a raise…so be it.

I figure work my ass of the next 2 years and get a bunch…probbley going after some linux cert and ethical hacker.

Linux + is a joke… haha. I have all the + (a,net, server, linux) certificates and apparently they dont mean much to potential employers(at least not many in this area). Our college made those tests mandatory so it was nice to take and pass them and then took a couple a couple months ago and got the rest cept the security +.

However I’m trying to get time warner to pay for the rest of those tests, but no go since I am not in college anymore.

EDIT: the new linux + is somewhat tricky, but the old one that i passed was seriously like what command makes a folder. Ha

There are 2 people where I work, certified, making less than me.

certified with an mcse degree? if so they are in the wrong field then lol

well, let me know if u want the vids i got. i have them on an external hd, u can swing by and copy them if u want, or i can put em up on an ftp server for ya

If your not around during the day I can just download them off of you…I don’t want to use up your bandwidth.

ehh, ill have to limit the bandwidth, otherwise my roommates will get pissed. im not even sure how large the files are. let me check on that an ill get back to you

Exception to the norm. Most places could give a rats ass about MCSE.

Cisco Certs carry much more weight.

lol, some guy applied here with an MCSE and A+
He really didn’t know anything about computers. He may have been able to pass the tests, however his real world skills and problem solving SUCKED.

MCSE teaches you a lot of shit, and isn’t completely useless, but people think that if they have an MCSE they are the shit.

It’s like the guy who bitched at me because I was promoted to a level I tech in 3 months at Adelphia whilst he was still a TSR and he had an MCP and A+ lol

:word: I see that all the time. Pretty funny too :lol:

But hey, if your job will give you more money for having that worthless piece of paper, then by all means get it. Those tests are so easy you don’t even need to study for them. The only tricky stuff was Active Directory.

Especially since they just re-vamped the CCNP tests, I heard they are hard as shit. SO wish I had taken them before the new tests.