me vs Ls2 vette; Ls2 vette vs psycopjv, 3 way

TA vs vette 1st gear roll

TA vs vette vs some fag with blue wheels

vette vs ^

TA vs vette, vette gets 2 car head start

good god at least mention that my clutch is beat to shit…ugh…that’s n/a also no juice.
and for the three way i had to let off my exit came up fast…hehe. good runs we’ll def do it again next weekend.

oh i said bad clutch in the vid description ya ricer :D… yeah next weekend so you can spray my ass

fun night though :tup:

I <3 you pat… i m u

rice ftw


excuse o meter?

Good runs…

Why am I not notified of these events? :roll:

who the fuck was screaming n giggling like a school girl in that 3 way race…that was super :gay:

nice runs, ugh i miss my car… Pat now that u finished bills’ come help me with mine!

nice runs, as soon as i get my clutch in we can make it a 4-way


Nice vids. Once my clutch gets broken in I’d like to come out and play. Not sure if I can hang with you guys motor to motor though :meh2: but whatever.

get the parts bro i am always down.

you have me on the fence about the :tspry: … seems like i will need it to keep up with everyone

want to help install when/if ? :smiley:


im also lookin into :tspry: itd be sick!! everyone wants to copy pat this year lol

no more gays :redface:

Cool vids and runs guys!

Not to put a downer on it or anything, but you are showing all this racing on a public road, with no plates covered up, and screen names etc…

Street racing is KINDA hot right now in a bad way.

very nice very nice. I think that TA needs a tune :wink:

yes sir, asap :smiley: