me vs street bike ?'s

93 250 ninja
bone stock w/ K&N filter
1/4 times

vs my car
w/ a fixed tranny so im guessing 12.1’s or so

who would win giving he knows how to ride but not super well

ninja 250 at best is only good fo 14s, oh yea that K&N on hta bike is hurting its performance. unless a bike is jetted and piped or tuned adn pipe it doesnt need a K&N they will hurt performance on bikes.

250’s are learner bikes. The people that get that small of a cc are beginners. 9 times outta 10 people that have a 250 sell it and go bigger to a 600cc up to a 1300cc.

in short…your car>250 ninja

some ppl do race the smaller 250s. actually alot of 250s are much faster then larger bikes but these smaller CC bikes are motogp bikes

sweet ! its justa friendly bet he just wants to try and take it down the 1/4 to see what it can do

yo quick what bike u got again ?