Mechanic crashes a CGT

Mechanic Crashes $500K Porsche
(CBS/AP) PORT CHESTER, N.Y. This is one big “Uh-Ohh.” A mechanic who finished doing minor bodywork on a $500,000 sports car crashed the Porsche Carrera GT into a telephone pole, while he was driving it back to the customer.

Mechanic Chris Numme of Port Chester says he and a helper were in the car when he swerved to avoid a truck and lost control. Numme said he was going no faster than 30 miles per hour. He’s said he’s thankful he and his friend are alive.

Numme had fixed a crack in the car’s side at his repair shop and was returning the silver sports car to a Greenwich, Connecticut dealer when he crashed.

The car’s owner is 70-year-old Robert Greenhill, an investment banker from Greenwich.

The two-seater limited-edition sports car’s engine boasts more than 600 horsepower. The car can accelerate from a standing start to 60 miles per hour in under four seconds.

Numme said his insurance company has already located a replacement car.

Yeah 30mph…right.

u cant really lose control that easy at 30mph

my guess is the truck was nosing out so he goosed it to quickly get around it and mad powA took him on a Mr. Nume’s wild ride.

30mph would not set a telephone pole into the cockpit almost…
I call LIARS!

At 30mph that car would stop in a few feet, he’s full of shit, obviously.


My guess is that he was on an icy, unsafe Denny’s parking lot and slid into a pile of bricks.

I thought my car insurance is high, imagine the rate increase in your policy assuming he has some sort of commercial policy if you totalled a half million dollar car… Prolly like 10 grand more a month:nite:

10 bwhahahhahhahaa

20 hahhahah

30 haha

40 ha

50 goto 10

Eh howie was doing less than 30 or about there when he loset control of his audi and we all know how that turned out.

Loss of control at any speed that disrupts the car can result in serious damage. Once tires loose grip and physics takes over it’s anyones guess (calculation :P)

yeah, but techs dont usually drive around wearing flip flops

i know ive never seen you in the shop sporting beach wear :slight_smile:

I wonder if his insurance would even cover $500,000. I know mine wouldn’t. But I guess the shops insurance might take care of it?

If the shop’s ins. can’t cover it, the owner’s will, i’m sure his policy covers the entire car no matter what.


hahahah true, but I guess my main point was that shit happens at any speed.

since when do CGT’s go 30?

thought the speedo didnt start til 60

I like how at the end of the video the guy says from now on when the shop gets in exotic cars he’s going to deliver them via flatbad.
Must be flatbeds handle better at “30” than supercars. Because if not it’s still just as likely to be in a wreck.

He should have said, “From now on I’m using a flatbed because I’m too much of a fucktard to resist ripping it up in my customer’s exotic car”.

Actually, it wasnt a mechanic, it was a friend of the owner, and the owner was NOT riding with. Was deep into 3rd gear on a cold day, went WOT and it got a bit to squirrelly for his skills.

There were posts on Rennlist and 6speed about this.

Now the truth comes out.

By no means am I going to try and defend the mechanic,…

Wait until auto-X and see if you feel the same why.

I totally disagree.


Let’s use some really dumbied up calculations, I mean really dumbied up.

NHTSA uses full frontal crash tests, that is the full impact is across the 5 feet of front surface of the car. The Carrera GT hit a pole that is 1 foot in diameter. (here comes the dumby math) So basically he hit with 5X the force in a much more concetrated area. (more dumby math) This would be the equivilent of doing a full frontal test @ 150 mph (not really though).

Here is a normal car crash tested @ 35 mph. Now imagine if all the force was limited to a 1 foot area…

Here’s the CGT being crash tested at 60km/h on a slant wall

Head on or frontal offset pics please.