Mechanical Engineer Salary?

Wow, you guys are hilarious, I didn’t know I was missing so much comedy gold having you on the IL.

Go back and read my posts, I never was disparaging about METs, but rather realistic. Look at the statistics, an entry level BSME will on average pull a higher starting salary than an entry level BSMET. Its just the facts of life. There is nothing wrong with METs, however saying that it is the same program is just laughable.

Tell me, could you guys sign up for the KGCOE sections of classes with the same names? No, you couldn’t because its not the same class. Saying “we had all the same classes” is like someone saying “Why do I need to take “Physics” in college, I took “Physics” in high school!”

Plenty of people left the College of Engineering ME path for MET when they could not handle the curriculum. Plenty of people started in the MET pathway when they were not accepted in to the COE.

Are there morons in both programs? Sure. Is generalizing by saying “Straight MEs don’t know anything other than theory” going to do anything other than make you look like an ignorant tool box? Not really… just like saying that METs don’t know any theory wouldn’t be true.

Most people in industry understand the difference between a BSMET and BSME program. The program is what builds the tools that make you successful as an engineer. Everyone knows that no-one sits at a desk and does manual stress calculations by hand.

I wouldn’t hire any mechanical engineer without a solid understanding of the “hands-on” basics. I do plenty of hiring / interviewing.

The differentiation between someone who is “all-theory” and someone who is “all-hands-on” is based on the PERSON and has nothing to do with the program they went through.

The BSME program (at RIT) is more rigorous than the BSMET program… draw your own conclusions. They didn’t create a similarly titled program in the College of Arts & Sciences just because they thought it was getting too crowded in the Engineering building.

There is nothing wrong with METs, there are plenty of METs that are better engineers than their ME counterparts, but saying “Its the same program” and “I’m going to get the same money out the door” just are not true statements. Its not a knock against anyone personally… :shrug:

You would find it just as humorous if someone from MCC was claiming that their ME degree was going to get them the same job as you. :shrug: