anyone know of anything happening around here? don’t care what it is, anything is better than what i’m doing right now.
You don’t want to work for the company I do… trust me… not for engineering anyways.
try govt jobs for the 99th or the air nation guard or airforce reserves
my old roomate just started a job last monday out in belle vernon for mech. eng. he is working on how to design a more efficiant cercate breaker (SPL?) but he is 23 and started at 37G’s a year. not too too bad. but i know that there are a few other places looking that he has interviews with still. like Betis in West Mifflin.
get you resume up on he got 3 interviews just from that. he was flown out to filly about 2 weeks ago and got picked up in a limo but he didnt get that job
good luck. he also had a 3.7 from PSU and had a tough time getting a job so i wish you luck man
I work for an engineering company but we do mostly municipal and sanitary engineering. I think we have an office near you. We have 5 throughout the area. If you’re interested PM me with contact info and I can push your resume to the top of the stack.
airforce reserves
no not here i give it 3 years and it will be shut down
Originally posted by s10blazed
I work for an engineering company but we do mostly municipal and sanitary engineering. I think we have an office near you. We have 5 throughout the area. If you’re interested PM me with contact info and I can push your resume to the top of the stack.
cool deal. thanks all so far.
Try DuPont (not sure if there is one in pittsburgh), and also in Harmarville there is a company called Koppers Industries, they use our instruments that we make. There is an Alcoa WAY down Rt. 286, and also PPG Industries.
Originally posted by venom
anyone know of anything happening around here? don’t care what it is, anything is better than what i’m doing right now.
Do you have a BSME? If you email me your resume I can pass it on. If so, PM me and I’ll give you my address and more info.
Just curious what area you have experience (or interest) in. I do mostly stress/thermal/dynamic analysis. A lot of finite element.
You can also try what used to be the Westinghouse Energy Center in Monroeville. I think it’s now owned by British Nuclear Fuels. There’s also what used to be Westinghouse EMD (Electro-Mechanical Division) in Cheswick. Also Bombardier in West Mifflin (which also used to be Westinghouse). I’ve done work for two of these places and kind of indirectly for the other.
Good luck to you!
Originally posted by flyinglow57
my old roomate just started a job last monday out in belle vernon for mech. eng. he is working on how to design a more efficiant cercate breaker (SPL?)
Where at in Belle Vernon?
it is pa breaker its near the wendy’s in belle vernon i believe. they are a newer company so he is starting on the ground floor if they take off he takes off with them. which could be cool