Meditation is Good for the Brain

“Meditation alters brain patterns in ways that are likely permanent, scientists have known. But a new study shows key parts of the brain actually get thicker through the practice.”

isnt meditation some kind of terrorist religion?

actually…you ever heard of those monks in…india I think, who let a bunch of western scientists accompany them on their yearly meditation trek into the mountains. it was like 10 degrees farenheit and the monks body temperature stayed between 85-90 degrees and all they were wearing was robes. They did this for a couple days with no food or water. The western sceintists said that any normal human being should have

A: died
B: become severely ill/mentally retarded from having such a low body temperature for so long.

the monks were perfectly fine afterwards


I saw that also. They all woke up in freezing temps with a light blanket of snow covering them throughout the night. They all just woke up, dusted off, and went walking home. Not a shiver to be seen.

The mind is a powerful thing. :slight_smile:

I’m crazy like that too… but I put my boots on before I check the mail in winter with just a robe on.

I’d like to see this show on the monks

The human body is an amzing thing, if you are in complete controll of yourself like the monks, very old school martial arts masters and such…there are many things you can do that would kill normal people. its like going from an auto to a standard…your in complete controll.

I saw the study of the monks on tv a couple of years ago so it might be hard to find. The producers of the show warned viewers not to attempt to change body temperature with your mind unless highly trained such as the monks. I guess some people have screwed themselves up by mistake.

i remember that program on the monks as well…crazy shit. I have alot of respect for them. There are also monks in China that practice an excersise where they hang by their necks for a period of time while in a sitting position. It almost looks as though they are floating in an indian style sitting position. Supposedly it helps to strengthen their neck a great deal. Damn, its gotta be pretty painful to start