pot prevents Alzheimer's


so in short, when you get older, start smokin…

Wenk’s studies show that a low dosage in the morning of a certain canavanoid, a component in marijuana, reversed memory loss in older rats’ brains. In his study, an experimental group of old rats received a dosage, and a control group of rats did not. The old rats that received the drugs performed better on memory tests, and the drug slowed and prevented brain cell death. However, marijuana had the reverse effect on young rats’ brains, actually impairing mental ability.

It doesn’t matter because it will never be legal. If they can’t tax it and regulate it to death, they won’t want it.

And exactly why can’t they? The government already has their hand in legal marijuana, so it doesn’t seem very far off that they’d legalize and tax it.

pot also prevents productivity


Not to mention many states have completely decriminalized it, making it just a slap on the wrist if caught (if any punishment at all). The US slowly getting out of that reefer madness mindset that has so many generations brainwashed.

The only thing that scares me about pot is the chance it’s been laced with something, a problem legalizing would fix. I wonder how many legitimate medicinal purposes it has to have before NY specifically legalizes it.

diet soda gave rats cancer, but the same conditions did not persist in humans.

No matter the similarities, humans are not rats.

By the way, death prevents Alzheimer’s.

It’s too easy to grow, we aren’t talking tobacco here

Agreed. I am not going to sit here and condone recreational use, but legalization of the substance could yield many medical advantages for many people.

true a rat is a totally different creature…BUT…our brains are VERY similar

If marijuana is legalized, the people still growing it will only be doing it for fun, because it will be worthless. It would be like trying to sell your own home-brewed beer.

good point.

Why pay a premium for something you can do yourself for very little investment, rather easily. Brewing beer is more expensive than buying it yourself, growing pot is not only cheep, but would be very easy once you negate the legality of it.

Growing good pot is NOT a small investment

I disagree. You could produce lesser quality product yourself on the cheap, but to produce something worthwhile it takes time, knowledge and money to make happen. Got a green thumb? lol

EDIT: Late post

It’s not a small investment now due to it being illegal. You could easily grow pot outside just as easily as one would grow tomatoes or any other plant.

i cant wait to get old !

growing pot outside in most climates will yield SHITTY results.

The cheaper and lower quality option would be to grow outside, which is actually a safer (less risk compared to growing inside) way to produce with the current established laws.


Not true, some of the best pot is grown outdoors but Im done with the topic.