meena is getting gang banged at walmart tonight 11pm

we said we didnt know jooooooz

fo sho dude? why would they say anything about your car? :pete

well i gotta run give my buddy ride home… thanks for the sweet video. TTYL

Wow, i just read 19 pages of this shit…

ya getting pulled over was a fuckin joke

im totally chill with cops im just liek whateverrrrrrr unless your gonna come to my window and shoot my face with your glock i really dont give a fuck, hit me with tickets chances are i’ll still be alive ANYWAYS

the cop was 100% the biggest prick ever, so when cops are pricks im super smart ass back to them, and i was pretty much wathcing porn on my phone while he was talking to me i thought it was hilarious and he couldnt do shit about it,

he told me take my hands out my pockets LOL like i got granades in my pockets or something, so i did then my phone rang , I KNEW WAT POCKET IT WAS IN LOL but i fuckin put my hands in every pocket i could LOL and started movin around haha while he was talking to ignore the call ahaha and it rang liek 3 times more i just kept messin with it…

i did deny that i knew pete tho and the mclaren gp, he shoulda pulled over the gp in the first place if he was so fucking curious, why u gonna wait LOL idiot !

then hes like I CAN GET U FOR LIKE 3 OR 4 INFRACTIONS ok bro, im sorry but the inspection on my window is soOOO FRUAD if u didnt say anything about THAT ! then you obviously dont have shit on me, because thats mega deep shit on me if you knew that LOL !

i mean its scotch taped on the window and obviously peeled off another car, amy window is soo fucking cracked its not even funny LOL the car is beat to fuck as well u really gotta be joking me, he didnt find nothing wrong with the cars records because if he did he woulda got me on that fruad inspection

anyways colonie cops 100% power trip LOL he musta asked me 3 or 4 times/ HOW MUCH did i have to drink ? LOL wat the fuck u mean how much, first start off with did i drink, and i told him, wat u mean ? i didnt drink nothing in the first place LOL durrr do i look fuckin drunk hahaa


jeff drove my car back for what reasons i dont know , and he parked it in rankins driveway

LEFT IT IN DRIVE, just shut off the engine, and let the car sit on the hill in drive LOL !!! so i got in tried to start it liek WTF!!! battery aint dead, OH WAIT… ITS IN DRIVE LOL !

oh and when he took me out the car i said dude as much as possible, i almost wanted to call him brett, i shoulda tried MEOW

very good read
A+++ story
would read again

hehe my shift518 feedback rocks so far

lol fo sho! gettin that shit fo shoooooo!

heard u and brett had a tussle, :idiots no good meena

psshhh hardly a tussle, simply voicing opinions…thats still part of my 10 beautiful amendments correct?

So is this GP fast or what? Whats done to it?

depends on who you are talking too apparently,

anyways off the subject thats getting old anyways

yea the car is fast for a grand prix, but its really beat, and it has some problems, the biggest problem is the tires are way too bald on the front to do anything… his gas tank is leaking and that kinda sucks, especially with huge backfires like that i would be scared lol

i understand why alot of you dont like the kid from what you know online, in person (as usual) he seems like a cool kid, i kind of expected that anyways, and he isnt half the dick he seems to be online.

the thing about his car is, i think it needs a huge huge re tune or something, it does not run anywhere near as good as it should run IMO, i’ve seen turbo gp’s before, that maybe not that much faster, but def alot smoother run IMO ! not a fact or anything…

im not sure wat the deal is with all that torque steer, yea i think it was simulated? yea but thats again my opinion feel free to defend it i wont argue actually, ive been in FWD cars with 2 to 3 hundered more wheel hp than that and torque steer was not THAT serious especially at those speeds, but hey… who knows ?

the car is quick for what it is, its like drews cars, his car is quick for what it is… but its not the fastest fucking thing on the planet by any means…

i would give props to the kid for even showing up, because with all the beef u guys got with him, chances are he wasnt going to show up, but he brought his boy, which you can call pussy all you want but you would do the same thing (if not be a no show) if u know 5+ people from a forum you are generally not liked too much on were coming to ‘meet you’ for all the shit talking, yano ?

get some new tires, fix the leak, idk if the car needs a retune or wat but i would figure that out… the car does sound good in a way etc and even others with us commented saying the same shit…

the best thing to do, is BE HUMBLE ont he fucking forums , because you see swift? one of the fasted civics in this area, and he doesnt even talk about how fast his car is because everyone knows, and everyone likes him because he doesnt come off as a dick about his car… i know you spend alot of money on your car and work VERY hard on it in general, no matter wat car you are trying to make quick, but you have to understand people are going to talk shit… its alot easier to talk shit, then it is to build a fast car, so dont get all defensive if someone is talking shit…

anyways overall cliff notes, good job on showing up, there was no smokinCRCK (lol j/k drew) anywhere to be found so there was nothing to race you with … i did btw beat the golf on the way back, and thats why i got pulled over LOL you seem like a chill kid, my advice is just be humble about your car and u’ll be alot better off here !

Word ^^. Thats the way i am, i try to be pretty humble with my car, cuz to me, its slow lol. But i am aware that it will beat 90% of the cars around here. Do i care, no, not really, untill someone calls me out or disrespects me…

  • he was trying to hint he wasnt gonna give me a ticket if i could give more info and shit, but personally i dotn give a shit LOL hes a bish on powerz trips!

yea, your car looks nuts :slight_smile: i never seen it run tho, just at the lot here and there i seen it

Thanks man. Im REAL suprised ya havent seen it run lol, ive actually had people come up to me asking about the car ive never met before, and telling me “stories” about my car… :lol i love it

haHA well im brand fuckin new on shift and the car scene in general, im def into cars, and people talk about me i heard that i dont know anything about cars etc because i dont have a fast car or get into technical shit on the forums, but i do respect the work done, i just havent been around long enough or around at the right time and place to see wats good yet, but im sure i will

Well welcome to the scene then nucka! Stick around late night, thats when it gets fun…alot dont see that though…

ill give you credit for your car adam… for a “crustang” it DEAD hooks out of the hole and has enough nut on motor to get it down the 1320 in 11.8x im sure… much better on “funny fumes”. i always wanted a rematch against you and against jaz too… but twas not to be…

thanks you’ll see me around def lol i kinda injected myself into this scene anyways