Meet Crashers Aug 4

Yo guys…lets crash this meet:

By crash, you mean…? :repost:

i believe hes talking about how the civic guys are going to “crash” the party

Who the fuck is the guy saying a 240Z is as much of a sportscar as a sunfire?
JUST because it isn’t “drop-top”

So the enzo isnt a sportscar?

What a knob. :roll:

just do it! whos in

He’s confusing sportscar and roadster. But he is a knob :smiley:

is there even anyone from son going to that meet on thursday ??

i bet the police wont be there and all the MTO guys will be chillin at home…


Meh, if your car is legal… you have nothing to worry about?

Thats like being paranoid about going through R.I.D.E. - If you aren’t drunk, you have nothing to worry about.

And if your car isn’t?

Luckily my car is 100% legal.

chris and i will be there.

im sure other Tm crew will be out as well…

i know a few others from the board were thinking of going as well.

honestly tho… i doubt it will be that bad for police and such.

we went to an rx7 meet just last week… and had ZERO issues. the cops drove by. we nodded… and they kept going.


Well if greg is gonna be there, of course I’m gonna be there. :lol:

And since i’m going, Cal will be there too trying to get into my pants.

The definition of a sports car has been debated many times on that board.

A lot of cars we call “sports cars” are really grand tourer cars…
The 350Z is an example of that.
Or the DB9.

A roadster is actually a car with no window frames or windows, it can still have a drop top however to be a roadster the driver must still be exposed to the elements.
The Miata is actually NOT a roadster, it is a sports car, same with the S2000, all due to the fact that they have WINDOWS which allow the driver to be protected from the elements.

So… people say that a sports car has to have a drop top or otherwise removable roof and cars that don’t are actually GT, or grand tourer cars.

And no, the Ferrari Enzo is not a sports car.
Althought it IS a super car.

Most if not all Ferraris are infact GT cars.

yes, i will be there since i work right across the street…

and John, please wear underware this time, you make it too easy for me…

if u guys go ill passby if not, there is no point in going

I’ll go for it, luis you in?.. well start a mini convoy lol

I’ll go with you… where do you wanna meet up?

Im basically downtown toronto with luis240… soo id say somewhere near a hwy… i dunno… Yorkdale for the ppl who live in toronto… make a convoy on the way their tonite :lol:

if u guys want we’ll meet at the tim hourtins on caldonia and orfus around 6;30 chill for abit and head up