Meet, cruise and "fun'' 4/15/11

Nothing like dumping a bottle!! That sucks bro, but glad ya got the car squared away

yah im pissed lol

what do you put on the 0-rings in the nitrous solenoids to keep them lubed up? I think they got dry and locked up.

adam, after you meet me at the park and ride, were going to go to the new place right?

Well I don’t have solenoids, but I’d use something like a light coat of white lithium grease

Were starting at the new place, but I suppose we could always cruise back down that way after

fuck thats why I thought you were meeting up with me at the park and ride because I dont know where johns place is haha

is that place towards on your way home?

Nah lol, wanna just meet us at the lot then for a few mins and we’ll roll back to highbridge?

at 9:30?

Sure, works for me!

ADAM I told u to text me u chode chomper :rofl

Use Google maps, you retard.

ok sweet. Make sure you are in the domestic side haha. Im not pulling into the rican side with my plate. My shit will get lite on fire.


sorry buddy, been busy. Still comin out?


Haha yeah ill be in the upper lot

Yah, I’ll swing by Highbridge for a bit. I’m about to hop in the shower now. Gotta shoot over to Siena after and do some werk (hence the shower). :rofl

Ill be at the lot about 9:30 as well if you chodes wanna wait for me.

Now I’m super confused, where the fuck am I going? McFaggots, P&R or Highbridge?


I’m going to Highbridge Pizza now. Bye