Meet, cruise and "fun'' 4/15/11


actually its not even funny. I cant stand it.

I had a bad exhaust hanger that was bouncing around, LOUD AS FUCK. Was driving me batty.


My exhaust is ratty and does the same, it’s annoying… actually about as annoying as stepping in bear shit.

I’m game to come out, see you all tn!

well looks like im in for all night. dont need to get up early tomorrow now.

I had to do this and my car isn’t lowered. I have an old school jack tho

well I was just saying to drive the car onto boards and get under it and check/adjust pinion angle. You cant get a accurate reading with the car being on its full load and the easiest way to do that, is to not even jack the car up.

also just from sticking my head under the car I can see that the driveshaft is at a pretty aggressive angle, and the diff. it flat.


Yeah should be around then as long as we aren’t waiting for a lot of people.

I wont be out of work till 9. I guess someone let me know where everyone is then.

I thought the party was at your place?..


LMAO! Who wants a mustache ride!

Negging corey round 3.

Should be in the park and ride area around then

ya adam I will be at the park and ride anytime before 9:30

also the good. I fixed my car. The vibration is minimal now and it was my pinion angle.

the bad. Nitrous isnt working. I believe the solenoids need to be maintenced and are seized shut. My purge valve wouldnt even work today until I hit a pot hole pulling into the bank and it got stuck the fuck open. I thought I blew a tire. I parked in the middle of the parking lot and had to shut my bottle off. I nearly watched $70 just piss into the atmosphere.

Someones gonna accidentally get high now…and we all know who to blame :rofl