Meet, cruise and "fun'' 4/15/11

ill be out for a little while

fuck you.

lol im serious.

I havent cleaned it going onto 2 weeks now because My arowana stalks my arm now and acts like he is going to attack me. I am not ready for that shit because it will fucking hurt.

High 15s? You’re callin my name :rofl

In for tomorrow!

I farted ITT.

I’ll be out tonight most likely.

Nice man!!

Me as well.

Alright, where are we meeting and at what time(s)?

Holy retard Batman :lol. Highbridge at 730 then lot/park and ride some time later.

I want to go drankin’ tonight god dammit

HEY NOW. Wasn’t sure if this was next week or not.

Not sure if it was on the 15th when title says 15th? Lolz.:hug

Lolz, do you not recall last weeks confusion? I figured we would verify the afternoon of the event to prevent that. Dick.

He is just mad cause I blew up his celly already asking the same shit.

Didn’t get joke.

Oh well. So ehat’s the deal with these batting cages? I suck at baseball.

The deal is, if you hit all 10 pitches in the fast pitch tonight… You get a free small cone.

Can I haz small cone for a blumpkin?

If you wear nipple tassles, you will get free cone. Blumpkin will get you free cone for week. I just ate taco bell.

Will attest to the atrocious stench coming out of his ass