Meet, cruise and "fun'' 4/15/11

Just rolled up to highbridge

adam i will be up there in a bit just grabbing food first. How late you guys gonna stay?

let me hit up my people and see what the deal is for tonight…

definitely saw adam at high bridge. Did not stop in due to house hunting but romped on it for him.

sorry i had to leave pretty early guys but was a blast and looking forward to next time.

Had a good time… the lot was a mistake though, fuck that place. Won’t be around next weekend but the week after I should be out. Hopefully it’s warmer.

:rofl thanks cholo!!

Was good to finally meet ya man! Agree’d on skipping the lot next time, its a shit show, and we have food/drinks, parking, and seats inside in a place where we are wanted, no need for the lot really!!

you were the one that wanted to leave. Alot less gas wouldve been wasted if we stayed at Highbridge.

Too many wannabe hillbillies, ricers, retards and cops at McDonald’s. We all know that but for some stupid reason we always go there.

I didnt want to leave, it was the cop that came through on the loud horn saying, and I quote, “the owners dont want you here, leave or be arrested”. That was my kick in the pants :lol

Yeah dude definitely good to meet you and everyone else. Some nice rides out tonight too for sure.

I think Paul was talking about leaving Highbridge dude lol. Next time though, we’ll just stay at highbridge until whenever everyone gets restless, then head up to PNR I guess. The lot is definitely a waste of time.

Oh that… yeah, I and a few others were kinda cold and wanted heatz :lol.

Nothing worse then a bunch of car guys huddled up together for body heat:lol

Awesome night! I’m glad I got to run the 5.0 and not glad that I got to run Nick’s 200… that car fuckin’ ROLLS!


Those cops were lying, I called
Ronald mcdonald himself and he said it was ok to stay there. No one believed me. Dont know why everyone got scared and left… Weak.

Its ok because I conquered the fast pitch machine so sup now

so I take it you beat the 5.0 and nick beat you?

see below

Yeah, thats what I was talking about. No point in leaving Highbridge at all.

I suggest that none of us buy anything at that McDonald’s (not a problem for me since I cant eat that shit) if we’re so unwanted there. Fuck those douchebags. Support somebody who is willing to have us hang out at their place instead (in this case John’s ice cream shop).

Yeah he got me by a little bit, was a good run for sure. I think if I got into 5th a bit more I’d start to get him, 5th is surprising in my car. Somehow I beat the two hunge, although he didn’t brake boost me. I jumped out maybe a car on nick, and it seemed dead even after the initial jump.

Had fun last night fellas, thanks for the runs!!

:rofl Was waiting for a wheelie braaaah.

Easily the closest race I’ve ever had, that car is real strong. The 200 rolled on us when we did a 3 wide.