Meet, cruise and "fun'' 4/15/11

Nice ladude!

gay on gay

So this friday this event is happening as well?

It’s going to rain this weekend

Seeing biohazzard+blood for blood friday night>5 of you.

da fuck is that

Hardcore show. Blood for blood is insane.

ah gotcha

Yehh metal and hardcore fest baby


So true :lol

Yes duke! Read!!! :rofl

You hitting all 3 days? Fucking friday has some serious bands, but id take anuday

I will prolly be coming. Im trying to get my buddy with his procharged h/c C6 Z06 to come as well.



hah sorry 4 pages of the usual shift non sense . Wasnt sure if it changed or what

Bitch, please. You aint near my game.

Nah derrik, were sponcoring the whole event but i am only going friday and possibly saturday.

wanna throw some cash on that?? :lol

Yeah, would love too!