Meet, cruise and "fun'' 4/15/11

8th + 15th weather/gf permitting lol

Nice man, friday looks killer too, should be a good ass time

As of now this Fri is looking decent. Myself and big pimpin johnny k will be out, who else is in? I’m pumped!!

<—this guy

I might take the Camaro out, it’s stock as shit though. And dirty (as usual).

looking forward to it, got my night all cleared out

Good shit fellas! I have all day off, so I can literally meet up whenever lol.

Im out at 6, ill have to get your cell, we could meet up anytime after that

Sounds good dude. Was gonna do highbridge at like 6, get some folks together, roll to the lot for a minimal amount of time, then park and ride. Hoping to get a good amount of people out!

i will probably buzz around. but wont be out too late since i gotta get up early for uconn saturday am.

will anything be poppin around 11pm? thats when i get out of work

be there this friday if its happening… and its not going to rain so ill be there

I’ll be out, shoot me a text when your out nucka


ok, ill be in my civ, towing a cooler full of guns, ammo, and an ice sculpture of a cherub…pissing Tilt and Big Bear


I am coming as well but someone needs to meet me somewhere as I have no idea where this place is.

I’ll meet ya somewhere on central if ya want around 5ish or so?

holy shit batman why so early lol

I’m literally gonna be out all day haha. But the plan was highbridge around 6 or so, you can always meet later if u want

I want to come out for the night life lol. I was thinking around 9-9:30