Meet, cruise and "fun'' 4/15/11

Adam hit me up tomorrow im off from class all day so I will just be studying

So what’s the time/place for Saturday? MAY be in…

Dammit! stupid knock sensor harness still on back order… Maybe next week.

^ pulling a Laduke

This for tomorrow night?

i guess ill be out…tanks will be full in case anyone is wondering

I’m out of the loop…tanks of what, installed in what?

halfway down

His 8 second quad.


yeh yehhh, my (gas) tank will be filled

Full tank of 93, wishing I was on E85 right now… I’m temporarily on stock injectors again so until I get my big boys back in it I can’t run it. Anyway, I’ll be out. Looking forward to getting walked by a stock 5.0.

Where we all meeting tomorrow?

In your mustache.

I shaved tonight !


Adult World, so we can ensure PJB’s attendance.

maybe ill bring the stock GTO out to get mopped up.

Since when do you have a gto?

There’s a stoplight party at a 4-girl townhouse. Sorry but I unfortunately will be unable to make this highly anticipated event.

In. Text me details in the morning sir