Here is a little video showing how silvias, skylines and other JDM cars are purchased by buyers at these huge Japanese car auctions and then distributed throughout the world.
Skip to 8:00
thats soooo awesome…i wanna go there one day, maybe live there for a year or two
That was an awesome watch. Thanks for sharing mang!
Worth every second watching, thanks!
very interesting 0.o
very nice find, great watch
thats nuts. would be so cool to have a hook up there
Yea, seen this a while ago. It goes pretty well into detail and shows some of the crazier things just chilling in the ‘parking lots’ waiting for export. lol The guys pretty much act exactly how I would if I was there buying the car… EXCITED!
what car did they end up getting?
I think that subi wagon…
i know, they went all the way to Japan and came back with a wagon…
s15, if you look clearly you can see the rear spoiler when he is standing beside it.
nah they picked up an s15 im pretty sure. they go on to show bolt on mods and hp gains.
dunno what they got
but that wasnt just “a subie wagon”
that was a forester sti
aka fucking. sick.
They got a white S15 SPEC R and they attempted to get the Forester STI but apparently some bullshit came up with the STI and they couldn’t get them both.