180SX Heaven...

If only there were dealerships still carrying clean 240’s here on our side of the woods lol…

Hiding in a small town about an hour north of Kobe city is Techno Sport, or in other words, where all the 180SXs and Silvias went….

I was on my way to Central Circuit in Nishiwaki, Hyogo-ken many years ago and saw this collection of Nissan 180SXs but never had time to stop. It seemed like every time I went to Central it was always in a total rush. This time however there was ample time to stop and look around “Car Produce Techno Sport”.

Original Link:http://www.7tune.com/nissan-180sx-heaven/

fuck! lets all take a trip.

im down! lol

wow makes me wanna live there. probly all a fraction of the price of what they are sold for here.

it’s beautiful… as i wipe a tear from my eye

Anybody work in the import/export industry? Bring em all back here.

they’re ALL soo clean

i`ll take the s15 we can stash them at teds place

lol thousands of s13’s one s14? we now know whats better :open_mouth:

I’ve seen this place in other pictures before - damn I’d love to take a visit to japan

I call dibs on the white one.

Yes we do as everyone traded in their S13’s for S14’s!

I wonder how easy it would be to ship one of these if you bought it in person? any thoughts?

that is SON peoples heaven.

Damn, thats one nice car lot.

I…Though th…at this…day…wouldsniff never come LOL

i have to go there some day :smiley:

Damn … so many nice clean 180’s. 2 more years … 2 more years lol

wow thats a beautifull site

Wow I’am jealous…

lol you are all nerds… but you ppl make me laugh!!

^^stop lying to yourself, lol you’re right up there

^^ lol ya ya ya i know… i just got my Silvia sunday