Megasquirt Info and Install

watch out, cant let local people know what you have/run

I run… on the ground, with my shoes!

I need some Nike’s, two of the big ones.

You’re out of your mind for running those size 13s. I know your style, you run with a heavy foot. You’ll blow your feet clear off.

Dual-overhead laces FTW!

This is rather tempting compared to the crazy idea of grafting a EEC-IV I was considering. Would probably cost the same too.

Most of the 420A DSM guys are running megasquirt systems over at

I have a Completely assembled and tested V1 megasquirt for sale. It includes the injector driver board. Everything is inside a nice aluminum case that is annodized red.

whats the cost running?

New version 3.0 board costs $333.00 from RS-Autosport. With the other things you need, your looking at a little bit below $500.00, for a a fully functional, constantly updated standalone.

As for the version 1.0 board for sale, they have come a long way since then, so not to poop on your sale (not that this is a for sale thread or anything), but that is old technology.


Lol. That statement just shows me that you know little about Megasquirt, Standalones, and efi control in general. The ver1 Megasquirt can run anything from a 1000hp 2JZ motor to a turbocharged V12. It will run them perfectly and is 100% proven to do so. The ver 2 includes more fuel control resolution as well as some other bs that one can do without.

Ver 1 will run any motor. No need to spend extra on a V3 unless you need to impress your tool friends while regurgitating specs.

Please dont make uninformed statements since that makes everyone that reads them a bit dumber.

Ver 1 will run any motor, Ver 3 will do the same. If someone wants a turnkey unit for half of what you would spend on a v3 let me know.

Uggg, V1 is a dinosaure. It dosn’t matter if you use it on a OMG 2JZ with over night parts form japan flap flap… or a soybean feild drainage pump 7hp motor. Ya it “works” but have fun tuning desent sized inj’s on a boosted car on the 24x24 resolution tables. The current board has options that will pay for the added cost easily. Shift light, 2step, meth/N20 contoal in RPM or boost windows, boost controal, N20 bottle heater contaol. Tons of stuff still in beta that freewear. v3 board is a steal.

John just said everything I was thinking. But then again, who needs a smooth idle, more safety features for the engine, and tons of awesome extras??? :roll:


Thanks, good info! :tup:


the megasquirt 2 is way better than the origional

Yes, MS-II is amazing, it has things like injector skewing, and many more tuning features. Unfortunatly, they are still developing it, and it is not working with too many vehicles as of yet. Even when it does get released to work with more cars (mainly interact with their factory crank triggers), it will still take time to iron out all of the quarks.

Until then, MS v 2.2 or v 3.0 are the next best thing.
