Meguiar's #16

I highly recommend this wax.

For a wax, it is arguably one of the most durable, and looks alright too! This has been discontinued for a while now, and has a cult-like following!

One day special @50%off, people were buying it for $~30-40 usd off ebay.

Limited stock (~25 when I ordered this afternoon)

Good luck!

Anyone pick one up?

I got more than a enough to last a few lifetimes! :smiley: Gonna be a happy christmas to all my ocd-friends! :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy holidays everyone!

jesus christ gabe, honestly how much did u buy? i wouldnt be surprised if you bought out all their stocks hahaha

O man, if it were up to me, I’d empty my whole account on these puppies…

Nearing spring, these puppies would go for $30usd easily (sans shipping)… I got MORE than enough for my lifetime, so I’m probably going to sell some for what I got them for, and send some as gifts…

Order comes today/tomorrow… I’ll take pictures of my leaning tower of Meg 16’s.


The Canpar man came today!

On a side note, Canpar’s delivery policies suck! After the second failed attempt, I was told that they send back to the shipper. Their nearest office is in freakin’ Concord… the middle of no-where!!!

Canadapost FTW.

One can will last me more than a year… :A "D



it’s all gone. … :frowning:

It’s still A LOT cheaper than buying from the states… Shipping alone on a can of #16 STARTS at ~$15. It really sucks to be a detailer in Canada because of the extra charges we receive, this was probably the first thing that I’ve purchased cheaper in Canada!

The normal pricing is STILL a lot cheaper than it would be in the states… I’m only going to use this on cars that I enjoy working on, as my go-to sealant is still quicker to apply/remove by far, and has comparable durability.

Looking for someone worthy to test on now… :wink: :wink: :wink:


Hey gabe! let’s put that #16 to the test :wink:

best wax i have used it the meguires NXT wax i love it…

Rick, you should REEEALY try this out. It’s 50% cheaper at Eshine, than NXT is on Canadian tire, and it will definalty outlast it. If you don’t like the look, you can easily top it with my devil-brew of the most kickassestness spray wax… on black, it’ll be wickedly reflective. (I would still use Souveran though)

Check out some of the ‘Click n Brags’ on autopia using #16… can’t argue with the results! You’ll get 2-3 months at most with NXT, #16 is deep into the 5-6 months range with the most perfect water beads ever. (Well, second to the sealant that I use) :smiley:

Good luck!

lol no wories ill be dropin my car off next year need to be detailed etc. hehe… i just polished it for the show half ass really. so needs some good work done to it :smiley:

You know who to contact. :stuck_out_tongue:


<<------SPONSORED BY MEGUIARS…WOOT!, NXT ALL THA WAY! No serious, that wax is crazy sicc, shine is soo clean and streakless, makes any surface look wayy sexier than brand new. try it guys! ps. its a killer at shows too, so all u show-go’ers like me, definately try this stuff out, i mean sure it costs like 40 bucks a pop, but its worth every cent. (writes excellent tesimonials):slight_smile:

^^^^^^^Where can i get it? I got a $40.00 gift card from canadian tire!

I wanna put it on my car, my car is a charcoal grey and its lost alot of its shine so i wanan bring it back. Is there any way you could show me a picture of the bottle so i know what it looks like…

^That’s NXT… not #16


I already provided pictures for #16… So I assumed he wanted pics of NXT :confused:

Either way, only NXT is available at Canadian Tire-- for use with his gift card. Crappy Tire doesn’t have #16. They dont’ even carry a ‘decent’ wax or sealant… . apart from NXT (WAAAY overpriced btw)

Yea i just picked up some nxt and tried it on my hood and I dont see much of a difference.

To be frank with you, I personally believe that what LSP you use doesn’t really matter. 90% of the ‘look’ you want to obtain is in the prep. No matter how expensive your wax or sealant is, you’re not going to bring back neglected paint with wax alone!

Do you have pictures of your paint? Assuming you’re referring to the Charcoal Grey in your Avatar, a proper clay, polish (possibly compound), and wax job ‘should’ give you a really wicked finish.

I have to agree with a bud of mine, who says that he can’t see the difference between $100+ waxes, to a well made $20. The differences in the visual department are really subtle, and the only differences are really small ones. (Beading characteristic, durability, slickness)

NXT’s “looks” can be interpreted as on par with #16, but it’s the price (~$20) and durability (4+ months for #16, as opposed to 2-3months for NXT, and $30)

Good luck!


I have the itch to do something with #16, give me a shout… My garage is being occupied, give me a shout and we’ll play with #16 at your place…

Wow, that sounds homo… :frowning: