Alsa Corp is in USA, they do custom: home/auto /fabrics paints etc. They just crazy when it comes to custom paint systems and prices are good(well vs premium lines of Dupont and HOk etc).But if anyone interestead in Alsa products pm me your questions. I’am not a distributeter for them but before i ordered my stuff i’ve spend alot of time on the phone with them. I asked mainly about automotive paints. I endded being affiliate since no one really heard of it and they don’t belive they sold any here yet.
Click on my www thingy it’ll bring you there. :lol:
“Mmmmmm, orange peely…sunken battleshiply, ghost flamegayly…”
sounds like ur car needs work.
Its a t3 outta rb20. But i need to spend few ours on the dyno, when snow melts i got 5psi to go any yet some leaning out to do.Its a project car i work on it when time and $$$ allows. Yah since it was painted i brought her home and parked it. Sideskirts , grill stiill in the trunk and i never had time to clean up overspray etc.I am ordering some suplies to redo interior in the spring than will clean up overspray and get it wetsanded, power polished etc.Paint and suplies from Alsa was about a 1k Can, labor well you go quote your own depending on prep your car needs and shop u use.
hahah ostrich arrived real time tunning here we go.
anyone doesn’t wanna relocate the batterie try this one [/img]
I saw this like 2 days ago and just glanced over it and was like “meh just antoher turbo’d SR” but then today I actually noticed that you have an SOHC. Mad Props man. Looks great.
Some new parts arraived :lol: . Well snow is melting and its time to play.
depends on milage and condition and how you tune them, a motor is a motor 4the most part.
most parts for my buddies ka24det that arrived another summer another project. All the hardware you see is ssauto 4now will see how it holds up.