Meguiar's #16

To be frank with you, I personally believe that what LSP you use doesn’t really matter. 90% of the ‘look’ you want to obtain is in the prep. No matter how expensive your wax or sealant is, you’re not going to bring back neglected paint with wax alone!

Do you have pictures of your paint? Assuming you’re referring to the Charcoal Grey in your Avatar, a proper clay, polish (possibly compound), and wax job ‘should’ give you a really wicked finish.

I have to agree with a bud of mine, who says that he can’t see the difference between $100+ waxes, to a well made $20. The differences in the visual department are really subtle, and the only differences are really small ones. (Beading characteristic, durability, slickness)

NXT’s “looks” can be interpreted as on par with #16, but it’s the price (~$20) and durability (4+ months for #16, as opposed to 2-3months for NXT, and $30)

Good luck!