Mel Gibson has Lost it.

Haha Mel Rocks


Mel Gibson makes some fucked up movies…


What are you talking about?

Everyone talked about how violent Apocalypto was but it really was not that bad. People just try to give Mel a bad rap because he may or may not have a problem with Jews. It’s a good movie, that’s all there is to it.

he makes decent movies, and is actually a good director.

Hes just nuttier then a pron stars asshole.

C’mon, who didn’t like:
• Mad Max (1979)
• Lethal Weapon (1987)
• Tequila Sunrise (1988)
• Air America (1990)
• Ransom (1996)
• Conspiracy Theory (1997)
• Payback (1999)
• What Women Want (2000)
• We Were Soldiers (2002)
• Braveheart (1995)
• The Man Without a Face (1993)





You do realize that this is the same thread, right?






You do realize that this is the same thread, right?



I don’t know if anyone had mentioned it, but I just watched this movie and it is pretty damn good. Mel Gibson is definately a talented film maker.


I dug up this thread just yesterday right before you bumped it to show a friend Mel’s little joke, only to see it bumped today. Coincidence?

Yeah, the movie was pretty good. Better than I expected.


You do realize that this is the same thread, right?


I just realized z-man is zong. Doh! Anyway Ill see you faggots later.

Rob, you suck beyond n00b-like proportions. GTFO!

Mods - can I get my username changed back please?

Done and done.


ahh fuck.


What are you talking about?

Everyone talked about how violent Apocalypto was but it really was not that bad. People just try to give Mel a bad rap because he may or may not have a problem with Jews. It’s a good movie, that’s all there is to it.


I dont care if he hates jews? And I personally thought the Patriot was a REALLY good movie. But he just picks weird things to make movies about.


I dont care if he hates jews? And I personally thought the Patriot was a REALLY good movie. But he just picks weird things to make movies about.


Meh, ever since I was in Mexico and learned about Myan culture I have been interested in their history. This movie was right up my alley.

Rob:ham: at you attempt to call a repost. Fortunately you didn’t go to google and look for a letter to post.


Meh, ever since I was in Mexico and learned about Myan culture I have been interested in their history. This movie was right up my alley.

Rob:ham: at you attempt to call a repost. Fortunately you didn’t go to google and look for a letter to post.


i’ll do better next time


i’ll do better next time


That’s all I ask.:wink: