Mel Gibson has Lost it.

His new movie - Apocalypto. Looks pretty good right? I think it looks awesome.

There is one problem however…
Find the part with the screaming monkey about 3/4th of the way through, and start rewinding frame by frame (can only be done in Quicktime version).

I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard in a while.

I shit you not. Try it yourself.


:frowning: I definitely could not find it when I tried…

wtf :lol:

Thats funny, i would have never noticed that.

Weird shit - but I knew he was crazy as shit long before that

He looks like Saddam

that is soo cool.

did you actually find that?

No, my co-worker told me to watch it and find something wrong with the trailer. I watched a 5 second segment like 10 times and couldn’t spot it at all. I don’t know how anyone found that.

Fucking funny though

someone with a LOT of time on there hands lol

or someone with a laggy computer :slight_smile:

Ah crazy mel.


what a crazy fuck.

braveheart rules.

The movie does look good though. It would be even crazier if he snuck in little clips like that during the actual film

lol, i started going thru and was like, WTF am I looking for, then all the sudden…



That should be the fucking movie poster when it hits theaters

:tup: I want a beard like that.

Vagina tickler FTW


ROFLMAO. Hey, atleast he’s having fun!

I don’t know if anyone had mentioned it, but I just watched this movie and it is pretty damn good. Mel Gibson is definately a talented film maker.

Mel Gibson makes some fucked up movies…

he looks like george clooney in syriana