Mels Hole *time killer*


um ok the only arguement i have against the fishing line thing is this

if the guy claims its 15 miles deep how the fuck would he know that?
there is no WAY to prove that!

so what the tied 15 miles worth of fishing line together and started dropping it down said hole
now! what this guy might not realize is that ok say the hole goes down 100 feet…he wouldn’t know that because any light source we have will not shine down a hole that size and let you be able to see the bottom
now what i think is happened is that when said line is dropped down said hole
the line DOES infact reach the bottom but is just collecting down there so when this guy gets to the end he “thinks” its 15 miles or whatever deep.
there is no REAL way to prove or disprove this i would think


depends… he’d have to weight it greater than the total weight of the line at 80K feet… so actually, mr fry is correct, you would probably snap it before then (if it’s 60lb test, and 30lbs is required for the 80K feet… you’d need atleast weight over 30lbs added to the end… which would go beyond the test of the line, and possibly break it)