Member participation: If you see a thread go OT post link here.

Due to recent events of threads going OT and an observation of bias going on, I’ve got the gears moving and grinding in my head.


From now on, if there is any thread that you’ve either created, or you think has gone way Offtopic from original, or somebody is intruding to it, post a link here and the mods will take care of it as soon as they see it.

Should eliminate any of bias that we have going on, since all the information will be provided by you, the people.

The trend of member control of the forum has been working out generally well, with such rules as the 3 post lock rule, so let’s see if we can keep this going.


I’m making sure this thread stays on topic.

So does this end the splitting of random threads without a request?

This whole forum.

No, just the stuff we miss.

The mods still have to use their best judgment in other cases, just as with locking.

WTf is the 3 post lock rule? yes i am a computer fucking MORON.

If there are 3 consequtive posts back to back by 3 different members saying that a thread should be locked, it gets locked.

But most of the time thats just Joey and friends saying to lock something when it doesnt need to be.

#1 Lock :lol:tongue

o/t king #4:wow

so then pbj , slow and i can be bias lock shit out everyone’s threads. good to know.

i just drank a halgf gallon of water. excuse me while i puke Buuurb

well if it works for other members then why not us I suppose? Not saying Im going to do it though.

it won’t work we’ve been ousted.

Eagle eye is watching us now!!!

You guys aren’t helping your case of saying you’re picked on…

like i said eagle eye is watching.

Like I said in the recent O/T thread…PJB, Adam, Hank. :facepalm

On topic…
Last few pages of this thread:
Posts talking about PJB’s tires in this thread:

Latest purchase thread split.
WoT didn’t seem too bad split worthy, yet.

This thread seems a bit crazy, might need a cleanup :wink:

Done :tongue

:lol You sly sob!!

vlad im gonna lock or split everything