members in the kaisertown area

Im looking for people whom would like to meet up and head out to car shows cruise nights together. its allways better to have a few cars, and people you know and trust incase anything goes wrong.

message me here if your interested, often i would go to shows farther away if I had travel partners, and going out to these events alone gets old fast.

In case anything goes wrong? lol. If you have to worry about shit that much, perhaps you should try different car shows.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was talking about something going wrong with his car, but I doubt that’s it.

There’s a lot of people I think in that area, I’m not far from it myself.

Post an intro thread though so people have some kind of clue as to who you are and the car you drive.


I’m surprised you have Internet access and type in complete sentences, way to not be a stereotype

Sorry if I offend anyone, but you have to admit…


Try showing up to NYSpeed meets first and introducing yourself. You just joined…make an introduction thread.

LOL Come on K-Town isn’t that bad.

I live in Kaisertown. Like any other Buffalo neighborhood, it’s patchy with good and bad.

I live in SB now but grew up in a pretty nasty part of Buffalo so it makes me laugh when people say stuff about K-Town or SB.

This area actually is called kaisertown, its a nice place to live, Ive been here for 15 years… apparently I have made a mistake thinking people here would be nice. for your information, I am educated, and do quite well. and I never stereotype.
good day.

Dude, this site is full of hate. Either you grow a thick skin or get out of the kitchen if it’s too hot. People have hated on me but I just let it roll off my back.

People are a lot shittier to others when they’re behind a keyboard because they have an illusion of invulnerability. In person it’s different.

You can either grow a pair and stay or just forget about it and go have a beer at Wiechec’s. Your decision.

Im Jim,
I live in Kaisertown. Im a 47 year old system programmer specializing in AIX and Storage Area Networking, as well as IBM Content Manager. I own 2 houses in the area. I own 2 vintage Fiats a 69 turbo spider, and a 79 x19 with a wide body kit. I also just purchased a 2012 Fiat 500 Prima Edizione. I have implemented megasquirt on both the vintage cars. and am currently in the process of engineering a tubo kit on the x19.

I will soon be installing a set of coilovers from xyz suspension on the x19. I used to repair vett bodys for a living a long time ago, and still enjoy blocking a body, or color sanding a finish more then anything.

I am looking forward to seeing what the aftermarket will have to offer for the new 500.

I grew my pair a long time before you were even a twitch… I suggest that youll get much farther in life by treating people with respect, at all times… thats just a suggestion.

Jim, I’m sure you’re a nice guy but you seem new to online forums. It’s just the way people are. When people tell you to have thick skin, it’s actually good advice because there’s a lot of pointless teasing just to get a rise out of someone. There are a lot of great people on this site who not only know a lot about cars, but are cool to hang out with as well.

Stick around, contribute, and I’m sure you’ll end up liking it and wasting time on here while at work like the rest of us.

Glad to have you around man. Lets get some pics of these cars!

This is awesome, and I apologize for the “hate” but I guess I only know unsavory people from the keisertown area. Fuck, I live in the burbs!

Anyway, my dad had a 60 something fiat spider when he was dating my mom, my mom crashed it (another stereotype, bad woman drivers) So for his 40th birthday she bought him an 84 alfa spider, which he owns to this day. i must have been 10 or so when he got it, and im 27 now. i tell him that he is to blame for my obsession with cars, back road cruises when I was a child ruined me

Really love megasquirt as well, I keep telling my dad to look into it, bosch _______-tronic fuel injection is the suck! I had a BMW e30 that was running on ms years ago but that shit never panned out, i ended up trading the ms for a miller maf set up and then trading the car to a fellow board member for a mk2 VW gti

Either way, enough about me, welcome, and sorry for the hate. Now post pics!

Amen! Glad this thread turned around. :tup:

I like Jim.

Do you have any pictures you can post of your cars?

this thread seems way to much like a man dating site!

jimwildman? really? was that you AOL chat name?


my uncle had x-19’s loved them, that is all I hear about a family gathers… how he rocked them during his SCCA days…


Welcome Jim, but yeah this seems the case. Typically you post an intro thread with a little about yourself and your cars so people get an idea of what your about before they decide to hang out with a stranger.

So stick around and get to know people (and get them to know you!)