Members ride section???

Could it be possiple to have a section so we can post pictures of are cars?
And maybe for others there new set of rims they just put on or your ka-t,sr20… progress that you want everyone to know about.


Does this help,

I asked a long time ago, but nobody wanted to ride my member :frowning:

haha 10/10. classic.

I have a feeling putting a members ride section would be like a buffet for the Tony240’s of this world

i agree, but if the mod ppl can keep on it and delete the BS posts it can be a good place to track ppl’s progress and new parts. this could take care of all the “what do u think” ppl can post that shit in there own thread. just an idea.

Tony240 is not a guy that posts bs, he steals parts. That was the reference you missed :smiley: