No more public my rides section?

Why the change to the rides section. I want to look at my car and cannot access the page. I am a member but it doesn’t work. I kind of like to show that section to random people on the net and now I am unable to. Sorry but this kind of sucks since all my cars pics are there.

me as well memeber as well

I can’t even get into the members ride section. Or maybe I’m not supposed to?

There were a few bugs with setting up the forum. Sorry for the delay.

It’s all good to go now.

Hey I need to set up a new account now for my customers that I send here becuase things like this being a member to look at shit. I understand you want them to sign up but if they cant even look at the cool stuff why would they. So if this is going to stay like this can I set up a forum visitor so I can post on my website so people can look at stuff but just have it so that visitor cant post or recieve PMs??? kinda get what I mean???

Sorry about that. Your forum is now open to non-registered users. No need to make a forum visitors account!

Any other suggestions?

Domo arigato Mr. Roboto!