Membership Renewal

Just would like to notify everyone who is thinking of joining NECC this year that we will be accepting new members at every meet this year. We are also selling memberships at Powerama.

The membership has it’s perks. Besides helping support the club and this website, you receive disounts from all our sponsors, you get discounts on sign up to track days and there will be more reasons to become a member int he future.

Membership for the year is $20.

In all honesty 20 bucks is pretty cheap and it goes towards the upkeep and maintenance of the club. That in itself is a pretty good reason in my opinion. Along with all the other perks noted above you are definitely getting the better end of the deal. :001_smile:

Another thing to keep in mind as well is, no members = no club.

now for the discounts and stuff will the sponsers be selling stuff over the site or do we get membership cards or how does that all work ?

They will get a list of PAID Members to keep on file.
