Must run windows…
now that, is PWNAGE.
No replacement for the brake at all indeed. Haha, owned.
i cant get the fuckin page to load … wtf ?
To summarize:
Mercedes had a news crew out to demo a collision avoidance system. Basically it ionvolved 3 of their S-class cars. The system in question is supposed hit the brakes for you if the person in front slams their brakes on. Thus’ everyone lives happily ever after.
During the demo, the system did not work and resulted in all 3 cars totaling each other as they plowed into one another.
It did not work “becuase of the steel hall that the test was performed in” but “works under all other circumstances”.
Good, I’m glad it didn’t work. Last thing we need is another nanny that allows drivers to pay even less attention to the road…
so basically the “safety radar” will not work on bridges or in some tunnels (but everywhere else its perfect) … way to play roulette with your life and $$$$
damn that wouldve saved me from tapping that kids bumper this morning, fuck
The new Mercedes S class has a sophisticated radar-based braking system - when it works. A TV demonstration ended up in a 3-car pile-up when the S-class’ safety radar failed.
A German television channel got a bigger scoop than they bargained for when Mercedes showed up with three of their flagship vehicles - only to crash them into each other when a safety demonstration failed.
Stern TV, who filmed the programme item slates the mistake, and compares it to the nasty falling-over tendency the early A-class Mercedes had.
Embarrassing mistake
In the programme, Mercedes drives 3 S-classes behind each other. The first car hits the brakes, and the two following cars brake down automatically, to avoid a crash. In theory. In practice, the first car braked, and the two others continued right into the back of each other, resulting in a 3-car pile-up at the test site.
According to a German news site, the blushing Mercedes security engineers soon discovered the problem: The test had been done in a hall which was made of steel. This confuses the radar, and the system doesn’t work properly, causing more than £150,000 worth of cars to crumple into each other.
The system “works perfectly in all other circumstances”, according to Mercedes. For now, though, it may be worth keeping your foot near the brake pedal.
The programme in question is showed on German RTL Television tonight.
Agreed. Theres wayyyy too many idiots on the road now, giving them another reason to not worry about how fast they are going or paying attention to the road definitely should not be a priority in the eyes of automobile manufacturers.