This past year was a ton of fun and this coming year promises to be even better!

I appreciate your kind words in the reviews section and it truely is awesome to help some of you build, fix and repair your really cool and very loved rides.

I wanted to wish all of you a SAFE and Happy Holiday season!! Go Fast. be safe…and…Pass on hills and curves!!!

Thank you and best to all…


likewise brother

Happy Holidays.

(Im politically correct. :lol)

Fuck politically correct you pussy!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody!!! and if that offends someone they can eat my ass!!

Wayne, I have a spoon at the ready.

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays to you Darryl and everyone else too! Enjoy the time spent with the family and friends.

I wasnt offended by the merry christmas. I was however offended by the eat my ass comment. Fuck that homoqueer shit.

Merry Christmahannukwanzika everyone!

+1 merrychristmas mother fucker!


merry christmas you faggots, i hate this holiday because its gone to complete shit

but whatever lets party !

thank you lol

Merry Christmas everybody

Festivus for the rest of us!

Merry Christmas!

Wheres the holiday partiesss

^bend over and ill show ya bro-ski!!! :lol

went to a bombass festivus party thursday. the festivus pootang is plentiful :thumbup

Anydayy breh :thumbup