4/30/10 who wants to come lol

I’m gonna drunk dial you for the 3rd weekend in a row tomorrow night.

im gonna call verizon and tell them to block your number.

Nice! There goes 1/2 of your detailing buisness.

I do. Was headed to NY that weekend anyway. How much are tickets?

I doubt you’re serious, but free lol

Travis: eat my gooch

No faith.

what tha fuck is this? theres this whore down there that wants the klapstick, might have to swing thru

wat? Seriously, if you want to come its free, I just have to get you/whoever else on campus earlier in the afternoon before security gets super cereal.

Sounds pretty good. Never heard of them before. Have to say the white makeup is messing with me right now.

I’ve listened to their new album Congratulations like 8 times already haha. It doesn’t have any standout songs like their first one did (Kids, Time to Pretend, Electric Feel, etc.) but the whole album flows real nice-like. Live, I’ve heard the singer sucks but whatever, should still be a great time, figured I’d extend the free invitation to anybody on here who wanted to come

I would use XXX substance(s) and listen to ‘Electric Feel’. I’d come if it was on another date, srs.

yeah i should be in pretty good shape for the concert lol

sounds like some sort of techno, but i could be wrong

electric/techno/“indie” (although i hate that term)/pop/new-age/whatever

Fukin word.

Is it me, or a bit of a Daft Punk feel?

Kinddddd of. I don’t know how much you are into music though if you have to describe MGMT as having a “Daft Punk feel”, that would kind of be like describing any sports car as having a “Corvette feel” :smiley:

No, what I meant was “Electric Feel” really reminded me of a Daft Punk song. That was the only one I had listened to at that point. I now listened to the other two you said, and Its def a different feel. Only that one song had it. So did that paragraph explain my feeble minded comment, in its simplicity?


Gotchya :smiley:

And Electric Feel has too many words that make too much sense for it to be Daft Punk-eque, and that’s saying something because Electric Feel is a fucked up song :lmao

By they way, Phoneix-Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is a SICK album!!!

<3 Daft Punk