Michael Vick in trouble (or The Misadventures of Ron Mexico)


yeah, seriously. explain shit? what the fuck is there to explain??? what the fuck does he get out of dogfighting??? winning a grand or two??? hes got a 130 mil contract. YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY COME UP WITH ANY REASON TO JUSTIFY THIS!!!

black people should be shunning mike vick for making them look bad with this whole ordeal, when they should be looking up to black pro athletes.


There is more to dogfighting then the gambling. Espically to a guy like mike vick the money is meaningless its just a neccesary evil in regards to participating in the match itself. Im by no means an expert on this subject but i do know a few people who enjoy this type of thing. For these people its like training your best friend for a prize fight helping him be the best fighter he can be.

I dont know the condition of the dogs mike vick murdered/helped murder were but im betting that they were most probably hurt to the point where they would not be able to lead a normal life…(i understand the media says he killed them because they would not fight, but that means they were in a fight so they were probably hurt badly by the dog that was willing to fight) …so in his eyes he was saving them from a shitty life.

Edit: Let me put it this way we all know street racing is illegal but for the most part we do it anyway regardless of the law. If the punishments were the same for street racing as dog fighting we would still do it because we NEED to feel that rush of racing. Of course there are things like the track but for the sake of the arguement lets say there is no track then we would have to race on the street. so in essence its the same thing the rush of dog fighting for him is the same as the rush you or i may get racing.