Michael Vick in trouble (or The Misadventures of Ron Mexico)

“It’s bad. I don’t condone it at all, but the punishment is too severe, (they’re ruining) a man’s career,” said barber Dontrell Mapp.

Wow, Vick is ruining his own career. Retards.

Who the fuck are you? Dont ever judge me without first meeting me.

seriously… peoples lives are shaped by their OWN actions… the man had a 130 million dollar contract NOT counting endorsements, but that wasnt enough… is no one responsible for their own actions anymore ?

i never met you, only played R6 and gears with you and think youre an asshole :stuck_out_tongue: lol

yeah, seriously. explain shit? what the fuck is there to explain??? what the fuck does he get out of dogfighting??? winning a grand or two??? hes got a 130 mil contract. YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY COME UP WITH ANY REASON TO JUSTIFY THIS!!!

black people should be shunning mike vick for making them look bad with this whole ordeal, when they should be looking up to black pro athletes.

does it matter who i am? i’ve seen your posts, you seem very racist. if you’re not, my bad. but my bet is that you are. :slight_smile:

Its not that people are naiive its that in the south dog fighting is common place…thats why people arent as outraged as you are. It doesnt justify what he did but to some people it just isnt a big deal its something they deal with daily, just like shoplifting.

lol well thats only because i suck at both

you couldent be more wrong, but this is not the thread to be arguing about this shit. Like i said you have never met me, so dont judge.

but also they have to be a lil more tough on him, not because hes michael vick, the black football star, but cause hes michael vick, the “role model” football star. people look up to athletes and put them to a higher standard. so they need to make an example out of him cause hes in such a public role that everyone can see.

still doesn’t make it right :gotme: and when you have all that money and a career on the line, its even more the reason not to get involved in it. if thats not incentif enough, then i don’t know what is

zackly… he dug his own grave

As much as I feel dogfighting is about as inhumane as you can get, I could almost accept this if he was poor ghetto trash who was never going to get out of the ghetto. All they see is that mentality so can you really be that shocked right?

But that’s not the case. This is a guy with a $130 million dollar contract who has traveled all over the country with other mega buck superstars. There’s no way he hasn’t been exposed to enough non-ghetto culture to not know this isn’t acceptible. No, he’s just a sick fuck who gets off on torturing animals for entertainment.

I hope he gets at least a year and that his career is over. +1 to the comment about gaining a little respect for the NFL is they ban him forever.

There is more to dogfighting then the gambling. Espically to a guy like mike vick the money is meaningless its just a neccesary evil in regards to participating in the match itself. Im by no means an expert on this subject but i do know a few people who enjoy this type of thing. For these people its like training your best friend for a prize fight helping him be the best fighter he can be.

I dont know the condition of the dogs mike vick murdered/helped murder were but im betting that they were most probably hurt to the point where they would not be able to lead a normal life…(i understand the media says he killed them because they would not fight, but that means they were in a fight so they were probably hurt badly by the dog that was willing to fight) …so in his eyes he was saving them from a shitty life.

Edit: Let me put it this way we all know street racing is illegal but for the most part we do it anyway regardless of the law. If the punishments were the same for street racing as dog fighting we would still do it because we NEED to feel that rush of racing. Of course there are things like the track but for the sake of the arguement lets say there is no track then we would have to race on the street. so in essence its the same thing the rush of dog fighting for him is the same as the rush you or i may get racing.

If everyone who street raced had to go home and electrocute a dog because they lost, I think there would be a lot less street racing. You’re digging a pretty deep hole for yourself right now.

yep… stop digging LOL

so what’s worse, killing a dog or killing a human? (either direct or indirectly)…

true… street racing, you can control the amount of damage to some degree god forbid IF there was an accident. Dogfighting… one of them is gonna end up dead or fucked up

i do MMA and in no way would i kill my friend if he lost a match.

hes an idiot, and hes paying for it. there is NO excuse for what he did, not race, not up bringing, not money, NOTHING.

Depends on the human.

Some asshole who’s breaking into my house that my dog alerted me about… yeah, his value is well below a dog.

That wasnt my point and you both know it. People have guilty pleasures in life some are worse then others. My point was that things like racing, drugs, or in mike vick’s case dog fighting are very addictive to them and no matter what the ramifications are its an itch that they have to scratch.

Edit: i am by no means saying he isnt a fucking moron who screwed his life up for something he should have learned a way to walk away from…but he does deserve a 2nd chance in regards to the fact he did fuck up and he is going to pay for it, and when that time is up he should be allowed to be a positive contributing part of society.