Michael Vick in trouble (or The Misadventures of Ron Mexico)


Depends on the human.

Some asshole who’s breaking into my house that my dog alerted me about… yeah, his value is well below a dog.


:clap: you sir, have been added to the sig…

look, the moron killed and tortured animals for years, and would still be doing it if he was not cought.

plain and simple he is a scumbag.


plain and simple he is a scumbag.


Yup. I don’t know why animal abuse infuriates me so much, but it does.

Shhhhhh…Ron Mexico is the undacover


A new use for Michael Vick jerseys… http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/dayinpictures?o=5&f=/g/a/2007/08/21/dip.DTL&type=dayinpictures

I give credit to these organizations. Hes a scumbag and I don’t feel bad at all for the “humiliation”

Vick Suspended indefinitely

worthless piece of shit Bum

Now the real question is: Since he pleaded, and is now cooperating with the government, how many other NFL Players or celebrities get pulled into this mess?

i was thinkin the same thing rick… i wouldn’t be suprised at all to see another name of an nfl player tossed into the ring

I am shocked at her quoted statements while defending Mike Vick…

Full Story:

what the original michael vick thread wasn’t good enough for you?


she’s in on it too :lol:

Gotta love skewed articles :tup:

She is not defending him. She is just explaining why he didn’t (initially) see a problem with it. Because that is the truth. For some people, dogs are “sport” (just like deer), and the mindset isn’t the same as others in the country.

She never said that he wasn’t wrong, or that dogfighting isn’t wrong/deplorable to her. The fact that she referenced that if this had happened to someone in NY (because of the different cultural upbringing), she would have a different outlook (i.e. more pissed off) proves that.

The View is one of the most idiotic shows I have ever seen. There is no logic on that show at all.

I hate it when people blame it on cultural upbringing.

There are a lot of cultures that promote violence and murders. Should we turn our heads the other way to violence and murders just because someone may have been raised in that type of culture?

People who rape girls get second chances, why shouldn’t he?

/stirring the pot.

But typically people who slam girls on the ground and electrocute them and put bullets in their brain don’t.


There are a lot of cultures that promote violence and murders. Should we turn our heads the other way to violence and murders just because someone may have been raised in that type of culture?


It’s not about turning away or ignoring violence, etc. It’s an explanation/reasoning to help those who can’t seem to fathom the notion that it (dogfighting) would not bother some people. Just the same way that people not using deoderant may bother us here in America, but not in some other foreign countries.


I hate it when people blame it on cultural upbringing.

There are a lot of cultures that promote violence and murders. Should we turn our heads the other way to violence and murders just because someone may have been raised in that type of culture?


yeah really… what about the KKK in the south? Alot of ignorant people think that there is nothing wrong with it.

he broke the law… he should have to deal face the consequences. He should of known better especially being in a high profile like he was.

                   People who rape girls get second chances, why shouldn't he?

/stirring the pot.
same thing with murder (OJ)… it’s totally irrelevant to this situation though. If someone brakes the law and is proven guilty, they should be punished for it. I do think that Kobe was innocent however… the facts just didn’t add up.

additionally it’s funny that a lot of people in the media that were screaming for Don Imus to be fired for saying “nappy headed hoes” are now saying that Vic doesn’t deserve to be punished. I don’t understand the logic


Gotta love skewed articles :tup:

She is not defending him. She is just explaining why he didn’t (initially) see a problem with it. Because that is the truth. For some people, dogs are “sport” (just like deer), and the mindset isn’t the same as others in the country.

She never said that he wasn’t wrong, or that dogfighting isn’t wrong/deplorable to her. The fact that she referenced that if this had happened to someone in NY (because of the different cultural upbringing), she would have a different outlook (i.e. more pissed off) proves that. .


Still doesn’t change the fact that Whoopi is a moron and she is just hideous looking…how can you trust anyone as asexual looking as her? Ted Danson must have been coked out of his mind to get with that.


The View is one of the most idiotic shows I have ever seen. There is no logic on that show at all.


Very true.

anyone else see this as another mike tyson ?

Vick Fails Drug Test, Confined To Home

Judge Restricts Vick To Home, Monitoring Device

POSTED: 12:54 pm EDT September 26, 2007
UPDATED: 1:44 pm EDT September 26, 2007

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RICHMOND, Va. – Stricter release conditions were imposed on Michael Vick on Wednesday after he tested positive for marijuana use on Sept. 13.
Judge Henry E. Hudson restricted Vick to his home every day from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. at the request of Vick’s probation officer, Patricia Locket-Ross.
Vick will be required to wear an electronic monitoring device to ensure his compliance with the order, court documents said.
Judge Hudson also ordered that Vick continue to participate in substance abuse and mental health counseling.

Vick has been ordered to pay for the costs of any treatment required as a result of his counseling. The cost of the home restriction program, including the electronic monitoring device, will also be paid by Vick, court documents said.
Vick is awaiting sentencing on Dec. 10 after he pleaded guilty in August to federal dogfighting charges. Vick faces up to five years in prison for those charges.
Tuesday, a Surry County grand jury indicted Vick on state dogfighting charges. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison in addition to whatever federal prison time he may receive.

hahh what a worthless piece of shit