Michael Vick in trouble (or The Misadventures of Ron Mexico)


Still doesn’t change the fact that Whoopi is a moron and she is just hideous looking…how can you trust anyone as asexual looking as her? Ted Danson must have been coked out of his mind to get with that


opinions are like assholes…

Amazing that someone with the opportunity that Vick had coming out of school and into the NFL could blow it so hard. Self-destructive :gotme:


anyone else see this as another mike tyson ?

Vick Fails Drug Test, Confined To Home



nope. Vick been smokin all along.


nope. Vick been smokin all along.


true, i meant though bout him being the top of the world only to self destruct himself and will now just end up a nobody who has to do dumb shit just to get himself back in the spot light

Bet he never knew how easy it is to loose everything in a heartbeat…


welcome to last week!!

Im going to go out on a limb here and say that county charges will soon be following.

heh… hopefully he invested some of that money


heh… hopefully he invested some of that money


he did, in pittbulls


heh… hopefully he invested some of that money


He doesnt look too smart…but for his sake…he better have.

Heel come out smelling like a rose even if its in 3 years

hope Buffalo picks him up lol

lose… the word is lose… jesus christ.

you are dumber than mike vick. which is… pretty dumb.

also, he’ll, as in, “he will come out…” is not the same as heel, as in, i want to stomp on your thick skull with my heel.


lose… the word is lose… jesus christ.

you are dumber than mike vick. which is… pretty dumb.

also, he’ll, as in, “he will come out…” is not the same as heel, as in, i want to stomp on your thick skull with my heel.


did you know that originally dumb was not synonymous with stupid?
it meant lacking the ability to speak. some how truly stupid/ignorant people thought that “dumb” people were retarded/stupid.

just a useless tid bit, kinda like everything else on this forum

carry on

Merged yet again. Fucking search, damn it. How many times do we have to say that? :bloated:


Sentencing day today.


Got 23 months on the federal charges and still faces the state charges.

its bullshit he only got 23months i hope the state gives him a nice long sentence


its bullshit he only got 23months i hope the state gives him a nice long sentence


His buddies got 18… Sucks but its the maximum sentence.

i thought it was 5 years max. or is it a compound deal

Im sorry i didnt really mean to type that, i meant to say it was really the maximum that would have been fair saying as how everyone else involved got 18 months.

should of been 5, scumbag

Either way his life is over. 3 years out of the league at that point. Having no real talent as a Throwing QB in the NFL…How many ways can you spell Arena League :slight_smile: