microsoft activesync question

so i have the motorola Q, and i installed the microsoft activesync software on my computer. every so often now, the program just happens to open up and appear on the desktop. and everytime i close it, it eventually comes back. anyone that uses this know how to stop this from just randomly opening? thanks

is it designed to automatically run? you may be able to disable it thru services.msc being that it’s a microsoft product

if i disable it, then wouldnt my computer not recognize my phone at all when i plug it in?

not necessarily… you should be able to just set it up to start manually (aka when you start it) instead of being an automatic process

i just tried looking for it in the services.msc and i couldnt find it in there. i originally tried msconfig and stopped it from starting at startup, but that doesnt help either.

why do you want to close it? its not doing anything until you connect your phone.

i dont have my phone ever plugged in and it keeps just popping up and gets annoying.

if you dont ever have the phone plugged in then uninstall the software.

well i still use it on a rare occasion

Microsoft ActiveSync 4 and higher look for connections every 6 minutes or so, and automatically updates when connected. Is your Q set up to connect wirelessly at all (e.g. WiFi or BT)? Because it may be trying to do that. Under File->Connection settings, you may be able to shut off any other unwanted connections besides the cable.